A Wild Prince Has Appeared!!!

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Cupa looked on at me, as if I was an alien: technically I was to this world. She looked on in awe with a cute blush on her face, I assume that the clothes are working well.

"Oh Cupa, glad to see you are here safely." I said, changing my focus from Cupa to Cecil, "I am glad to know that Cecil can be a very good escort."

Cecil turned her back on me, attempting to hide her flustered face from me. This made me chuckle a bit. So cute. And now that I think about it, that is quite the oxymoron. A cute spider. 

I patted Cecil on her head to show my gratitude to her with something a father might do to show how proud he is of his kids. Although in this case, I am showing my gratitude to a mob princess for bringing more mob princesses to fall in love with me. Its almost like I am part of someone else's fanfiction... Oh well!

I turn my gaze towards Cupa only to see that she was in some sort of trance. Her eyes seemed to be out of focus and she was drooling a bit. 

"Hey Cupa, are you alright?" I asked her somewhat empty shell of a body. No response.

I pulled my index finger inwards to my palm using my thumb, raised my hand to her forehead and with a swift release, I flicked her forehead. I have seen enough anime to know that this works.

And surprisingly. It did!

Cupa clamped both her hands to her forehead and shook her head in disbelief. 

"Ow! My head hurts!" Cupa cried out. She then looked towards me with eyes of sorrow and despair that quickly changed to surprise and realization and finally to excitement and joy, "OhmygoshwhatareyouwearingitlooksamazingIlovethatfabric..."

Somehow, Cupa was speaking so fast that you could have sworn she was speaking another language. Glad to know my secret technique worked but I think I made it work too well.

"Whoa whoa, cool your jets." I pleaded trying to cease her incomprehensible speech, "If you are asking about my clothes, I can tell you that I made it myself."

"You did?" Cupa asked, tilting her head to the side a bit.

"Yup, I call it the Creep Wear!" I stated, which at this moment I just realized that that name made more sense in my head, "I gotta work on the name a bit."

"Ooooh..." Cupa oooohed.

"Why did you call it that?" Henrietta asked, finally wearing some clean clothes and with a deep blush on her face.

"I called it that because I engineered it to be able to with stand explosions of great magnitudes and then some." I answered stretching the fabric a bit to show some chain mail armor entangled within it, "I used an enchanted chain mail chest plate with blast protection V and genetically modified Creeper DNA to merge with the green fabric so that it may have more properties of a creeper."

"Aaaaah..." Cupa aaaaahed.

Andr then walked up to me and began inspecting the clothing herself. She seemed a bit tensed out after a little while of inspecting.

"With all of these explosive properties, it makes me wonder..." She trailed off as she changed her gaze from the fabric to me. Dead in the eyes exactly. With a bit of a purple glow to hers, "What exactly are you going to do with this?"

"Simple: I am going to blow stuff up." I stated and the next thing that happened was something I expected...


Just dead silence...

No one said a single word for a good thirty seconds. If my reading of facial expressions have served me right, I would say that Andr's facial expression would be of deep disbelief, Henrietta would be of horrifying horror, Cecil would be of true discombobulation and Cupa just stood there with tremendous fear as the dark auras of the three female occupants of this house grew higher and higher until were almost coughing and wheezing from the deadly stench. 

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