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Ok, I know I shouldn't be smiling about this but I just cant help it. Im in "Minecraft"! Thats one of my biggest dreams in my young 15 year old life, that and being able to eat a star. Now, I know what your thinking, "What the heck is wrong with you! Your falling like 800 feet towards the ground!" Yeah, Im just crazy like that. I enjoy adrenaline and facing death face-to-face, but it wasn't the first time me and the taker of souls have danced; there was that time I fell into the tiger pit at the zoo and played tug-of-war with the ferocious beast that would be able to tear me limb from limb (I never laughed so hard when I saw the zoo keeper's face as he dragged me out of the zoo, banning me for life) and there was the time I went swimming with the orca and dolphins at the aquarium. But this is a first, skydiving without a parachute, it's exciting, but its different this time, there isn't anyone anywhere to drag me out of the man hole because there was a gas leak and I decided to go check it out with a candle, I am by myself with this.
"Eh, I dont feel like hitting the ground 40 miles an hour today, maybe next week." I said to no one in particular
I then noticed a big slime hopping around the place and so I decided thats how I will survive. I quickly changed my direction and aimed straight for the slime.
I made contact with the slime but instead of landing into the slime I was sent flying back into the air.
"Well I wasn't expecting this, but I guess I will have to improvise." I discussed with myself.
I then noticed a herd of sheep grazing on the land and changed course towards the biggest and fluffiest of them all.
I landed in the wool of the sheep, it felt like I landed in a pillow factory.
Third Person POV
In a galaxy far, far-! Oops, wrong script... In a giant domed room, held the most powerful kings of the land and along beside them were the daughters and sons of the powerful beings, they were discussing on important matters on conquering further lands and killing the Cube Human Resistance (or CHR for short). The daughters and sons of these beings weren't really focusing on their fathers and chattered between themselves.
"Man, Im so hungry..." Girl voice #1 said
"Me too, I can go for some of those cube human flesh, what about you?" Girl voice #2 asked
"Im sick of those cube human flesh." Girl voice #1 started, "It tastes bland and it tickles my throat."
"Yeah, I agree with you, I am sick of it too." Girl voice #3
"I wish we had something new to eat." Girl voice #1
(NOTE: These are not all of the princesses and princes, there are about sixteen of them and I will be adding more of them for this is a modded survival, so there will be new mobs, most from the Twilight forest mod and many others.)
Just then a bat flew into the dome and landed onto the shoulder of a man that looked like a vampire and began to squeak into his ear.
"Yes, I understand, you can go now." the man said as he signaled the bat to leave which it did.
"What seems to be the problem?" Another man with white eyes asked
"That was one of my scouts and he has informed that he was flying in the air when he saw a human boy falling out of the sky, landing on a slime, sent back into the air and landed again on a sheep, then proceeded to throw his fist into the air screaming out gibberish."
"Well this is unexpected, what do you think we should do with him?" A skeleton that looked like a skeleton and a demon that had a baby
"He is no threat to us, so I motion we leave him to fend for himself." A giant purple dragon spoke up.
All of the kings agreed but little did they know their daughters were listening to their conversation and they were all very interested.
"Did you hear that? Girl voice #4said
"Yeah, someone new to play with."Girl voice #5 replied
"And its a boy too!" Girl voice #6
All of the girls began to plot by themselves about this new player to the game
Stunnington's POV (This is actually my minecraft IGN)
I was really impressed with myself. I already collected wood, built a house, went mining (which I discovered there were different ores in the caves, so I assume its a modded world), got iron armor with long fall boots so I dont get hurt when I fall and I already made a pair of gauntlets. I am used to playing modded survival, so I knew how to get the good stuff really fast. I also found a tablet in a dungeon I raided not too long ago. The tablet has a ton of information on it like crafting recipes, mobs and so on. This was the life, just relaxing on my bed, with a piece of steak in my hand, staring into big purple eyes, a beautiful sunset an-, wait, big purple eyes? I look back at the eyes, to be face-to-face with a humanized enderwoman.
"Well, hello there." I said still staring into the girls eyes, "Im Stunnington."
"Hi, Im Andr the enderwoman!" Andr said not breaking eye contact
"I see." I started, "And now you are going to bet me up now?"
"No, Im not." Andr said, which after hearing that I began to relax, "Im going to beat you up while I have sex with you."
"Well thats a rel-! Wait, what!" I asked astonished, but she just ignored my question and began to make out with me. I tried to pull away but she just punched me in the stomach, slammed my body to the floor and continued to make out with me. I was in pain, my spine felt like it was broken, my stomach felt like it exploded but I didn't flinch, not once. I started to laugh...
"Well whats so funny?" Andr asked releasing her lips from mine.
I smiled with excitement, adrenaline raced through my body like a run-away train and I was able to free myself from Andr's grip, getting into a fighting stance, "Im laughing because you just woke the beast..."

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