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"Well, it seems we have a fighter here." Andr said licking her lips, "I do enjoy watching them struggle for me to spare their lives."
"Enough talk... why dont you show me some of those ender powers of yours." I said in confidence
Almost instantly, Andr appeared behind me, about to punch me from behind but I intersected her attack by blocking her punch with my right gauntlet and used the free hand to send a fist of metal towards Andr with extreme speed. I landed a blow on her abdominals, sending her through a wall and a couple trees. I walked out the newly made hole in my wall to see the remains of the enderwoman but I was greeted with Andr's big purple eyes again and a swift kick to my right arm sending me flying into a forest.
'It seems she has gotten stronger all of a sudden, but how?' I thought to myself as I pulled myself out if the trunk of a tree, heading back to the fight ahead of me. I returned to the battlefield and noticed that Andr's wounds were healed and she looked fine.
"How come you dont look damaged anymore?" I asked curiously
"Im an enderman, remember." Andr continued, "I have the same abilities as an enderman plus a few more such as faster healing and 10x the strength of a regular enderman."
'Of course! Thats how I will beat her!' I thought to myself with a smile growing on my face, 'How come I didn't notice this from before?'
"What are you smiling about now, sweetie? Andr asked in a seductive tone
"Im smiling because I just found a way to beat you or at least survive until the next morning." I said with glee, which I then proceeded to remove a cloth from my pocket and wrapped it around my eyes
"So, whats with the blind-fold?" Andr asked curiously
"Well, since you're an enderman, I figured that by looking at an enderman, the enderman would become provoked and would begin to attack you but you are different, each time you meet eye contact with someone your strength increases by the amount of times you have locked eyes with someone. Making that the reason why you were able to move faster and send me flying into that tree trunk."
"That doesn't explain anything about my question." Andr said as she began to teleport multiple times
"Well, by blocking my vision I am able to nullify you from gaining anymore strength."
"Smart cutie pie! But now you wont be able to dodge any of my attacks now." Andr said as she was about to sucker punch me in the gut, missing me because I moved away, "What the nether!"
"Your not the only one who gains new abilities by sight." I said with a grin on my face, "You see by blocking my vision, all of my other senses have now been increased by a great amount, so now I can dodge any attack you can dish out at me."
"Well, you have made this fight for me even more fun." Andr said playfully, "I cant wait to beat you in a pulp and kiss you back to health to beat you up again."
"Maybe next week." I said as I heard Andr teleport multiple times, feeling her vibrations on my left and smelling her grape-scented lips, I quickly jumped out of the way of another one of her attacks,and another from above, from my right and my back again, until I can hear her breathing heavy from exhaustion.
"Getting tired I hear." I said as I felt the warmth of the sun pierce my pores
"Well, you survived a night with me." Andr said happily, "I knew you were the one I was looking for my whole life."
Just then I heard footsteps coming towards me and felt a soft pair of somethings touch my lips, with a taste of grapes. It was Andr, she was kissing me, but this time it wasn't a forced kiss but a passionate and memorable kiss.
"I will see you tomorrow, sweetie." Andr said as I heard her teleport away. I felt no other presence near me, so I knew it was safe for me to take my blind-fold off.
"It was really nice meeting you, Andr!" I said to myself as I walked towards my home.

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