Chapter 2: Our 'Villains'

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-God's POV-

Ah yes, back to the Deepsea Metro. But this won't be the only place our villain uses this time around. This time, the villain has spread forces around 3 main points, hopeful that our heroes will go on a wild goose chase to find the true base of operations, only to fall into a trap and possibly give up hope. The other two locations? Currently unknown, and will be revealed later on when the main villain decides to show us.

But who is our main villain and their dastardly army who will try to take over the world? 

If you've read 'Double Trouble', you may already know or have an idea because of a sudden reappearance that no one expected. If not, you'll find out now. The army has been slimmed down to a few hundred, but it's still enough to use and divert attention from the mastermind. This army, you may remember, was seen in book 3 'Pyramid of Destruction' and controlled by 7, but now the leader/commander has changed. Somehow, the hybrid army survived--well, some of it did--and all soldiers still remain faithful servants to the higher ranked. 

Their commander? Keigo, better known as [DEAD NAME].  He somehow survived his untimely death and only 2 know how--himself and one other, but even he is confused about how he survived. To all others, except the army and a selected few, they think he is dead; gone; in a so called 'better place'. But no, he still lives on what he thinks is a hell-hole of a planet, and simply wants to carry on what all the others started but never finished. And to clarify, yes he is still corrupted from the final battle in the 3rd book. What does he have weapon wise? What are his plans for Inkopolis? Well, you'll just have to find out later.

Is there much else to discuss? No, not really. But, there is more than one villain this book. Can I disclose any information about them? No, because we don't want any major plot spoilers to get out. We must protect the plot armour at all costs from spoilers, and if that means I can't say anything about the other villains, that is what I'll do. 

Without further ado, let's let the protagonists and antagonists take control from now on. Will you hear from me again? Possibly, but that is to be determined. I'll only interfere with the story when needed. Now go, continue on and read about the latest adventure in the 38 saga.

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