Chapter 21: No Time To Waste

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-The Next Day-

-Callie's POV-

"Marie! How's everything going?" I go to join her, standing just outside the base with a clipboard in her hand and a pen on her right ear, peering over her shoulder to see a few checkboxes marked off. "It's going well, though, Lukas and Marina don't exactly like where they think this plan is going. They still don't want to be a part of this, but Lance talked to them and told them to suck it up..." "Of course he did... And what about the others?" "Leon's helping Nyx at the moment since Sonia woke up earlier. Ryder is still on the watch for the remaining few to wake up, and..." "And?" 

From the base, Tobi walks out and waves, a large plaster covering part of his chin, bandages up his arms. "Hey, Cal." "Tobi! Thank cod! You're alright!" I run over and tackle him to the floor in a hug, a few 'ows' coming from him as we stay there for a few seconds, Marie laughing. "Be careful Callie. He got up earlier and is still pretty beat up from the fight yesterday, that YOU had with him." "Yeah... Sorry, Tobi." Rolling off of him, I sit up and let him sit up as well. Marie joins us a few seconds later, laughing at us yet again. 

"You two are unbelievably dorky..." "No, we are not!" "Alright, fine. You are most times. But, less about that, we have other things to discuss, such as the fact the armour is nearly complete and a few other factors into this not so formed plan working." Tobi stands up, kissing my cheek before facing toward the base. "I'll leave you to talk with our captain then, 2. I'll help around with stuff if I can." "Alright, see you later Tobi." 

As he leaves, Marie hands me the clipboard, already flipped over to another page with information on the armour. "We have a couple more sets to go, but so far, It's going well. We've got a lot done in the last 24 hours." "Good, and hopefully, we'll be done later tonight or tomorrow." "Of course. And how about the team? Who's left to wake up?" "Just Tobias now. The rest are helping around." "Alright. Well, once Tobias is up, we can prepare and head out. We're beating Keigo no matter what."

"Well, we have no time to waste then, let's speed this up as much as we can."

-Cora's POV-

"Ughhhhh... Can I just go and kick his ass already? I can do it Keigo." "No, you can't Cora. Not alone anyway. Besides, from what I can tell, your little plan to sanitise Marie backfired. I'm not all that impressed with you and Adrian right now."

Spinning around in my chair, I play around with my hero shot, watching Keigo finish off some paperwork before standing. "And now, listen to me, Cora. Tomorrow, their doomsday will begin. I need you to take the protective gear I had the engineers copy and move Pearl to the old inkblot location. From there, you have to be ready for an ambush. The splatoon will come as soon as I give you her old tracking device to activate, and at that point, you can't let them get out. I expect nothing more from you." "Hmph... Alright, fine. I'll go along with your silly plan." "You better, else I'll make sure Zero kills you. After all, we have no time to waste on failures. It's all or nothing after today." 

Getting up, I leave the room and make my way to Adrian who had been waiting for me, sitting against the wall, weapon in hand. "Get up, we have a job to do." 

Countdown: 1 Day

AN: Hello everyone! Short chapter for now, but I promise the next couple will be longer. This may only be 500 words, but trust me, a good bit of dramatic irony and very important lore makes all the difference. So, enjoy this short chapter and I'll be back with another soon :)


PS: Getting closer and closer to the end, time for some very heavy angst 

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