Chapter 15: Another Piece To Add To The Never Ending Puzzle

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-A couple hours later-

-Callie's POV-

"Yeah... We're going to have to talk to Marina and Lukas..." 

Leaning on the circular table with my hands held together, I debate our choices at hand, the few members of the team who had come back to us sat around me. After the situation with the drone and Leon's new information, we couldn't sit around and try the little things anymore, we had to dive straight in without knowing anything about the missing agents, this spy on the other team, and whatever else there was. Most of the villains side was a mystery, and they knew everything about us, so we had to work fast and in ways they wouldn't expect.

"Keigo would know about that though, wouldn't he? If we go talk to them, we could all be ambushed." Lance continues to lean on the wall, adding in on our meeting, many of his points being true. "Well, I'm open up to other ideas." The room remains silent, only shakes of heads as I sigh, leaning back in the chair. "Well, as current commander, I say we go forward with getting the two back. However, to combat any possible ambushes, only myself and 15 will be going." "What about me, 1?" "You'll stay back and watch the kids, 4. Besides, you're in no state to go anywhere... Anyway, that wraps up this meeting. 15, get ready, we'll be going soon." 

Getting up and leaving the room, Lance follows with his areospray already in hand. "I'll get you the agent kit soon, I just don't have the time right now 15." "Nah, it's absolutely fine, 1. I know how much you're going through with being commander, worrying about Mari and everything else going on." "Well, thanks for being understanding rather than the annoying, sarcastic asshole you usually used to be." He nods in response, opening the door to mine and Marie's home for me. Entering, I go straight for a cupboard to get my agent gear and roller. 

"So... What if this all goes downhill? What happens then?" "Well... I don't have a backup plan, so we can't screw this up. We just have to have hope that nothing goes wrong and we stay safe."

-30 Minutes later-

-Marina's POV-

"Hey, Luke! You heard from Soni yet?" I walk into the living room to find him still curled up with a blanket around him on the couch, laptop just in front of him as he watched Squid Wars for what was probably the one-hundredth time. "No... Not yet. Though, I did get a more concerning one from Leon saying that he wanted to meet up later." "Oh, alright. Well, if you want we can take your mind off of it tonight and play some video games if you really wanted, I got that new bomb diffusal game for us to play." He smiles at me, nodding. "That'd be gre--" He pauses and knocks can be heard at the door before a short pause, and then more knocks. 

"I'll get it..." Walking over to the door, I look through the peephole before instantly opening the door. "Lance... Callie... And you're in agent gear, Callie... What do you want?" "We just want to talk, Marina. With you and Lukas, if we can come in." Hesitantly, I move out of the way and the two step inside, weapons in hand. "If you're here to ask us to come back to the Splatoon, I think you should leave now..." Lukas stands up, walking over to stand beside me. "I agree with Luke... Whatever happened to the team, we don't want to be a part of it all anymore." Lance automatically heads to the door, but Callie stops him, pulling him back. "Well, if you won't come back to headquarters, I at least need a favour from the both of you." "No, no favours either. You're not dragging us into this mission if we could get kidnapped as well." "It's a risk that we all have to take, Lukas. Listen, both of you, I need footage from any remaining cameras in the metro, as well files from any tech you can successfully hack into. We can't find anyone within that base, and we need to get on top of this all so we can fight back." Sighing and pinching the bridge of my nose, I take a moment to stay calm before answering, "Callie... We've said n--" "It's only a small job, we'll deal with the rest, I promise. After, we can get back together and break the ice. We'll get the Splatoon back to what  it was, we just need to focus on this first." "Give u--" 

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