Chapter 4: 'Project: Black' Preperations

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-Keigo's POV-

"Ha ha!" Brushing my hand over the old map and book I had picked up at a library in the restricted section whilst undercover, I smirk, my plans finally coming together.

"'Project: Black' will soon be a go. All I need for now is t--" "Sir!" "WHAT DO YOU WANT." Shouting, I turn to the doorway where one of the top soldiers stand, angry that I had been interupted. "I, uh... The soldiers and I are wondering what our orders are." "I told you two days ago! Lead the agents on a wild goose chase whilst I finish up the preparations for stage one of our plan." "But Sir... The agents have made any moves yet, and Agent 8 isn't patrolling until the end of the week."

Mentally face palming because I forgot all about that, I think about what else we can do whilst I seek out the location of our new weapon. Instantly, my hand drifts to the scar running down my right eye and I know what we have to check for. (A.N: I gave Keigo a scar after he got crushed by that Pyramid in book 3. Why haven't I said it until now? Because I didn't think of it until now, and it's cool so I added it.) "Check the vault in 7s old office type area. I belive we still have a few pyramids left. If we do, immediately report back to me because I want to do something extra to my sister." Nodding, the soldier salutes before turning around and marching off, leaving me alone in the planning area. Sighing, I go back to the information and start to read the pages within the book.

"A secluded lab that was abandoned huh... Looks like I'll be going on a days journey. What else is there in here?" Mumbling to myself and lost within my own little world, I almost miss the picture that slips out from one page, covered in dust and slightly burnt on one edge, as if someone had tried to get rid of what they had taken. I stare at the slightly blurry image, squinting to really see who was in the center
Between the equipment around them and pools of what seemed to be a dark coloured ink, it was hard to tell who it really was until I flipped it over and read the scruffy handwriting on the back.

"Bingo. I've finally found you."

"Sir! We have the pyramids! We only have five, but we assume that will be enough for your grand scheme." "Perfect. Thank you commander. We'll talk later about my plan for my sister. But for now, I leave you in charge for I have finally found who I have been looking for. I'll be leaving soon, and will be back in a couple of days time unless I contact you and say other wise." "Yes Sir!" "Great, thank you."

Taking the nearest black cloak, I put it on before packing a bag with essentials and a weapon. Nothing else was needed, so I just hoped it all went to plan, just like I wanted it to.

"Looks like I'll finally be getting revenge on you and your team of agents..."


-Cora's POV-


"Yes baby?"

Me and Tobias walked down the streets of Inkopolis, hand in hand as we returned from our daily patrol at headquarters.

"Do you think that we are finally safe from danger?" He takes a second to think about it before shaking his head. "No, it just seems to be something continuous because we are agents. Yes, we may have had a clean streak for 14 years for no major incidents like the time Octavio escaped again, or Tartar trying to destroy us all, or that time you 'died' and we ended up fighting 7 before defeating her and reviving you, but nothing really comes to an end. Just look at it this way, you can't have a world with only light, it needs darkness to be balanced, so as long as we are here as the light for Inkopolis, more danger will come our way. I'm just glad we've had a break." Smiling, I remember all the times we've had together before coming to a hault with Tobias, stopping in the very spot he proposed to me.

"We've come so far." "We really have. Hey, remember that time that we came here and I tried to confess but Callie showed up and you got distracted by something?" Tobias reminds me of that time and I giggle as we take a seat on the bench, our gazes fixed on our surroundings. "How about that time where I took you on a date after the splatfest to celebrate? Ooh, what about the time where we--"

Zoning out, my gaze becomes fixed on something other than our surroundings...

More like someone...

"T-Tobias?" "Yes Cora?" Without my eyes moving, I point up towards an alleyway in our field vision, some oh so familiar hot pink tentacles fading to white towards the end, sticking out like a sore thumb. "Does this mean?" "Mhm."

"Diamond never fully destroyed the corruption, it only seemed like it..."

"We'll tell Marie tomorrow. But let's just hope history doesn't repeat itself." "Agreed."

A.N: Hello everyone! I wrote this on my phone by the way, so sorry if anything is spelt wrong or punctuation is missing, I'm way too used to using laptop where spelling and grammer is picked up on.

Other than that, hope you enjoyed this chapter because this sets us up for the real beginning of the chaos and also sets us up for my barely planned side story for agent 4 and agent 7.

I don't actually think I have much else to say. Actually, thinking about redesigning the covers for all the books to make them tidier and possibly make something that is gonna be extremely hard to do (ever wanted to do a continuous cover artwork where all the covers join to make a full art piece? Yeah, I wanna do that but it's gonna take a lot of effort.) So make sure to look out for that if it does happen because my books are gonna look different to before if I do it (obviously XD)

Any theories or questions can be put in the comments under here if you have any :)

That's it for now. I'll try get another chapter out in a day or two and hopefully my updates will (maybe) be consistent for this book. Hope you all have a good day/night/afternoon/evening!

- Catalyst

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