Chapter 10: The Octavio Triplets

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With the power of a nat 20 initiative roll, a cup of tea and a sudden want to write this book, I'm ready to destroy all you readers with what I have planned, AND SPEEDRUN THESE CHAPTERS! (AN from 19th December: That's a pure lie, past me... You proceeded to leave this chapter for 3 months! You haven't done anything since October!)

-A Day Earlier (Events after the end of chapter 8)- 

-Keigo's POV- 

"Agent 8... Here to take back your siblings I presume?" "Where are they?! What have you done to them?!"

A pocket on his belt holds an Octo Shot, his usual weapon nowhere in sight and what seems to be the wrong special and bombs for an Octo Shot included in his pockets. He had definitely prepared for a close-up fight if this is what he had brung with him. Yet, his weapons would only do a fraction of damage to me, or none at all, because...

He wouldn't be fighting me.

"I bet you're just as fed up as everyone else... The amount of times this has happened, where one or more of your oh so special colleagues goes missing and you go after them, you must be at your breaking point now. Am I right, Agent 8?" He groans and charges at me, taking out a bomb and trying to throw it at me, only to miss as I dodge with extreme speed. "Just tell me what you've done with them Keigo! Stop with the talking and get to the point, goddammit!" He charges at me again and again in anger, using bombs and punches to try and hit me. 

"Your attacks are futile, Agent 8! You can't attack me!" "JUST TELL ME WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO MY SIBLINGS!" "What if I showed you instead?" Smirking, I take the radio from my belt and tell them to be sent out. Hours of planning and working had made this moment possible, and the ones he valued most would be the ones who were used against him. 

"All will become apparent now... Tobias... I hope your demise is one filled with pain as you fight them!"  Turning around, I walk inside the metro--which we had moved to after discovering that he would be coming after us--and prepare to watch as out of a cloud of smoke comes soldiers who were much more powerful than him. "Tori, Tobi, take him down!" "Yes Sir!"

-Tobias' POV-

"Tobi?! Tori?! What the hell?!" I hear laughter from Keigo as the two make their way toward me, weapons in hand and ready to attack. "What has he done to you?!" Bullets are shot and I narrowly dodge, not yet willing to fight my own siblings. 

"Oh c'mon Agent 8! You can't tell me you aren't going to do your job because of family relations!" "Shut up, Keigo! We know nothing about you, yet you taunt me and the rest of the agents with plans and sudden pop ups of hybrids and suddenly this?! Why are you doing this? Why after 14 years? Why now?" "Because, Tobias, what's better than a little chaos? Especially when you can tear your old friends relationships to pieces with games that  they can't win! Soon enough, the squidbeak splatoon will be nothing more than separated agents are destroyed bonds! I control the future and what happens now, and I'm not letting you get in the way like you did with all the others before me!" 

All of a sudden, I use my burst bombs to allow me to swim away before flipping over a wall and sitting behind it as I tried to compose myself and get ready to fight.

Or did I really have to fight when I could do something else? 

"C'mon booyah bomb, don't fail me now..." "You can run, but you can't hide, Agent 8! We'll always find you and your friends!" Jumping onto the wall, I activate the special after spraying the ground a little around me, throwing the bomb at my siblings, not regretting it as they were splatted, returning to wherever their spawn pads were. Next, I run to the higher wall nearby and spray, climbing up and parkouring to get onto the platform nearby. 

If I wasn't going to take out my siblings...

I'd take out Keigo.

Or try to, at least.

"Keigo, you son of a bi--" "Language, Tobias! Your wife may not be here to stop you, but I certainly will! This is a book read by all ages, so how dare you try and speak unholy words on these premises! The only person allowed to do that is 7!" "And why's that?" "She's a bad bi--" "Language, Keigo!" "Hey, that's my line!" 

I start to rush towards him, looking back every so often to look out for Tori and Tobi, afraid they'll splat me if I'm not careful. Yet, he stays where he is, not moving, a smirk on his face. Why? Anyone would instinctively move back if they were about to be taken out. Is he just crazy? I take a huge leap of faith, Shooting at him and I flip and land, taking him down so he can't move underneath me.

"Oh, I'm not crazy, Tobias, you've gotten me all wrong." "W-what? H-how did you--" "It's called keen intuition, doll. And, who needs to be crazy... When they have trust?" Suddenly I'm pulled of off him, my weapon knocked out of reach as someone steps on my chest, a gun aimed right at my head. "Thank you, Tori. I knew you'd come just in time. Now, take him to the base where I keep her. After all, he's either going to be turned against his friends, or used as a subject for our friend." Handcuffs are put on me before I'm knocked out, no clue of what was happening next, other than my plan failed and the squidbeak splatoon had one less agent on their side.

A.N: If anyone starts suddenly simping for Keigo, I'll understand why, don't worry. With the way this man is going to talk to people and all the other things about him, it doesn't matter he's a villain, because jesus f-ing christ. Anyway, I'm back and I finally posted another chapter! It's not the best one ever, but I did find enjoyment in the talks between Keigo and Tobias. Plans for next chapters? I'm working on it, ok. It's all a work in progress, I'm just hoping I'll be able to post more before the end of this year. So yeah, enjoy this and I'll see you next chapter.


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