Chapter 19: A Heart To Heart With Yourself

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-Keigo's POV-

"You let him go?!" "Well, through technicalities, we didn't let him go, we ran awa--" "THAT'S NOT THE POINT!"

Slamming my hands down on the table, I look at the two in front of me, sick of the matching hero outfits they had on. Adrian had stayed apathetic the entire time, whilst Cora was annoyed at him, arms crossed and looking away from the whole situation, agreeing with me when I said they should have kept battling, despite the risk. She was angry, clearly wanting to punch him in the face as one hand was balled into a fist.

"You failed the mission, that is the point, Adrian. You have both let me down with this, because not only are we four agents short now, but we've lost our spy, lost the chance of capturing their strongest team member, and they know all about our plan." Sitting back down, an awkward silence fills the room after our argument. Whilst I knew that Adrian was in the right, making sure they weren't captured, I sympathised with Cora - the revenge she wanted, snatched away from her just like that.

"You're dismissed. I don't want to see either of you for the rest of today. Once you've both recuperated, we can talk about your place in the final battle." Without saying anything, they leave the room, allowing me to return to what I was doing.

"A Booyah Bomb? That's definitely one way to do it..."

-Pearl's POV-

At this point, there's nothing I can do.

I came into this, thinking it was the right decision; that I'd be kept safe, that I would be Keigo's right-hand woman and a valuable member of the team. But, look where that's led me...

That backstabbing son of a...

No, I can't... Can't call him that. I can't bring myself to call him any names or say anything mean about him. After all, he saved me from the hell that was the Squidbeak Splatoon, right?

Or was it all a ploy; a way to deceive me?

My mind is split... My usual self, the one who is Agent 5, and my new personality - the one who betrayed all those people I called friends. I let go, and whilst it hurt, it had to be done. There wasn't another way after I messed up, was there? I spilt secrets I promised to keep to myself, and I'm angry. Yet, a numbness and a sickness; a guilt... They wash over all my other emotions. They leave me nothing but a mess, both literally and figuratively as I sit here, my limbs and tentacles melting into pitch black ink, eyes void of colour... 

Yet, this guilt... This numbness and sickness kept me alive, along with the pieces of love I have left for him. It's a sickening static surrounding my mind, and they don't leave, but they keep me living for what time I have left. I may be close to the terminal stage of Inkblot, but I can't let go... 

I'm losing time rapidly, I know that... but focusing on the clock just seems to make time go slower; makes the pain worse. Not only that, but it always feels as if my eyes are stapled open wide... I can't sleep anymore. I lay down on my side in what space I have, but because I'm left alone with this disease slowly killing me and my subconscious, I just end up laying awake, trying to close my eyes and let it all finally go away. It never works, but I still try.

It leads to me talking to myself, laying in the darkness of the room most days, even if sometimes it's just my eyes closed, but it never helps. Nothing does.

My sanity is spent up, and I've gone insane. I just want it to all be over...

The torment, the thoughts, the sleepless nights, the loneliness... It needs to end...


And that's why at the opportune moment... I'll attack. I'm going to fight back because if I'm dying from this stupid Inkblot disease, I won't let it take me first.

Keigo lied. 






So I'll give him what he deserves. If it's anyone taking him down, it'll be the person he hurt most. I may be a traitor, but this isn't what I signed up for. I signed up for safety, a promise that I'd be with him, and instead? He used me instead; gave me up for experimentation without a single doubt. I won't let him hurt any more of my friends, because these past few minutes have made me come to realise that things are different than they seemed. I saw him as my hero; my saviour. Yet, he's just here to complete what his sister started fourteen years ago. He is the villain, making me a villain for leaving the heroes and joining him. So, I'm going to do what I have to...

Redeem myself for what I've done.

After all... I can finally sleep when I'm dead.

Because I expect to die trying.

Countdown: 2 days

AN: Not going to lie... This chapter was exactly what I needed tonight. Something happened for a couple of hours, and I've just poured my heart and soul into Pearl this chapter. All my feelings pushed into her make her feel truly there like she is a real person. Most chapters I write, I do realise may be a bit flat at times and may not seem too descriptive, but when I have the feeling to write stuff like this, you can see the difference. All my anger and stress aimed toward my description just make this chapter perfect. The one-word and one-sentence lines fit it so well, and I have no regrets writing this.

Also, I hope you like the set it off lyrics I added if you know the song - it fits Pearl perfectly at the moment.

Anyway, still two days left on the countdown, and no NSS in this chapter. Besides, villains are cooler. You'll get NSS next chapter as I have plans for one character in particular. 

So yeah, that's me for tonight. I'll be back with another chapter soon. Enjoy :)


(PS: I actually beta-read my own work and edited it as well, so well done me :D)

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