Chapter 22: Pearl Houzuki - The Harbinger of Chaos

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-The Next Day-

-Keigo's POV-



Staring each other down from across the room, we dare to move in case the other makes a move, despite being on the same side in this world. Awkward silence and tension fill the atmosphere as we continue on, direct eye contact between the both of us, barely blinking. I had my weapon in one hand, it had nothing but its dangerous ink, Pearl already gone and no one to sacrifice if I supposedly attacked like it thought I would. But instead, I lay it down, holding out a few papers from under my armpit, not attempting to move. 

"...What?" It broke the silence, moving forward to snatch them from me, looking over each one hastily, with no interest in the information displayed. "We're ready. It's time. The plan has been set up and is ready to begin at any time. At this point, we're waiting for the signal." "Of course... I'm ready to take what I deserve." "Well... Let us leave at once." 

Taking out my phone, I dial the most recent number, letting it ring out as I wait for the response. "Keigo." "You know what to do, Cora."

-Callie's POV-

"Cod... Oww..." We all suddenly turn to the couch, Tobias slowly sitting up as he holds his head, eyes adjusting to the light. "Well, Marie, there he is." 

The ones who we agreed on coming were in their armour, helmets not currently on in order to communicate clearly and not kill the devices within them - small headsets that Marina had made for us all. I walk on over to Tobias in my armour, crouching beside him. "Hey, sleepy head. A bit late to the party, aren't we?" He looks at me, eyebrow raised as he looks at the rest of the team, other than Lukas who was staying behind to support us from the sidelines with information we needed. "What's happening? What have I missed?" "You've missed a lot... But, to answer your question, we're saving the world... again." 

He pushes himself up, almost losing his balance. "I'm coming." "No, 8. You can't. Stay here with Lukas, and if we need you, we can get you in." Sighing, he sits back down, leaning back and crossing his arms. "Alright, 1. I'll stay. After all, I'm not as reckless as Cora." "Hey, 1? I just picked up a signal... It's--" Lukas pauses, moving closer to the screen before we all surround him, a small pink glow coming from the map, a number '5' just above it with a message coming with it.

Foxtrot India Viktor Echo Sierra - Signal back online.

"Pearl... That's Pearl!" "Rina's right. But... 1, what do you think of this?" "Well, I think we go for it. I have a feeling that'll either be a red herring, or we'll actually find Pearl. Either way, we're being led to our enemies, and that's the good thing. Squidbeak Splatoon, I hope you're all ready, because it's time to head out."

-Pearl's POV-

The Harbinger of Chaos. 

That's what I'm being called now, even in this state, on the brink of losing memories and my entire life. 

Wherever I go, chaos follows, and whether that's good or not, I'm not sure anymore. Chaos has always been my life, who I am as a person, but now I'm leading my friends to their deaths, trapped in this secluded room, threatened by two sanitized Agent 3's that if I leave, they'll have rid of me. Yet, this state of torturing? I would love to walk on out. But, I'm forced to stay here, sitting on the floor in a puddle of black ink, my thoughts louder than anything else in the room.

Waiting was all there was left to do - wait for that door to come down, wait for Marina to come comfort me and say it's alright, wait for Marie to realise what she did, wait for the Squibeak Splatoon to fall into his trap... 

What came next was all on them, but I'm glad. 

Because they'll lead out Keigo, and I won't wait anymore to be what finishes him, especially if he dares to touch Marina. 

I wince in pain from the Inkblot yet again, trying to keep myself from giving in to the terminal stage, holding onto the free will I have left, staring at the door again. But now, faint sounds of boots clicking against the floors in the corridor break through my thoughts, getting louder and louder.

They were here.

Standing up, I face away from the door, arms crossed as the door comes crashing down seconds later, the sounds coming to a sudden halt as silence fills the room.  Not one of them dared to move forward to check if it was me, instead, they stared on. 


It was Marina, her voice cracking as she a realisation settled in, a gasp coming from her as I turn around, my features distorted and colourless and most of myself starting to melt into black ink. I could barely look at her. At any of them, as they all let it sink in, that the Pearl they knew, was gone.

"Nice... to see you again everyone. But... I'm sorry to say, this is where it goes downhill from now on." 

Out from the shadows step Cora, Adrian, Zero and Keigo, all respectively ready for what was to follow.

"Welcome, Squidbeak Splatoon, to your demise."

Countdown: 0 Days. Doomsday has begun

AN: Hello everyone! With this chapter complete, we are onto the final arc of the book! Up next is the final battle and a couple of chapters after. This chapter is just under 1000 words but a perfect way to end preparations and begin a long fight and emotional time for you all. Grab some tissues, because what comes next? Heartbreakinggggg contentttt. But, for now, I'll leave you all to let this sink in, that we're really at the end now. Enjoy, and I'll see you later :)


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