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New version.


Michikatsu had stabbed right through his throat, following after his younger twin brother and leaving everything else behind. His dead body lay still on the ground as the sun began to rise and turn his body into ashes, leaving behind a sword with blood on its blade- a sign of his existence. 

Hizu collapsed onto his knees, shocked from what had happened right in front of his eyes. His hand was still in the air reaching out towards where Michikatsu's body once was, but in the end what he was reaching towards was nothing. He had tried to stop Michikatsu from ending himself, but he was too late to knock his own sword out of his best friend's hand.

The other slayers behind him were also in shock of what had just happened. Anyone would want to live after all. But it seemed like the Tsugikuni twins were different. The most important thing to them seemed to be family.

The legend of the two brothers that had nearly killed Kibutsuji Muzan had spread in the Demon Slayer Corps like wild fire and so had the tragic accident of their deaths. One had been killed by Muzan, and the other had committed suicide. The two twins had not just died a quiet death, but had left a legacy behind and a legend that should've been completed.


It's now the Tashio Era, about over 300 years after the legend of the two brothers who nearly defeated Muzan had been passed down to generations of the Demon Slayer Corps.

It's now winter time- showed by the cold of the merciless wind and the snow that covered the ground which could once be seen before it was covered by a large sheet of white. A man with red hair tied in a pony tail and red eyes, sat besides a bed where his wife lay with a pained expression on her face.

The man is named 'Kamado Tanjuro', and his wife 'Kamado Kie', is currently giving birth. Her stomach was quite large for only one child so they had expected to have twins.

"It's going to be ok," the man held his wife's hand, a white mist coming out of his mouth when he spoke even though the fireplace was burning. 

Tanjuro who could see his wife's painful expression, was very worried for her. He hoped that her and their children would be ok. Kie was having the same thoughts as well. She prayed that nothing would go wrong so her children could live and grow up healthy.


Tanjuro held his first born child child in his hands, a shocked expression displayed on his face. The mark that was on his first son, was a mark that he had seen in a vision before. The vision was called an 'inherited memory'. 

"I-is there something wrong with our child? What would happen to our child's twin then?" asked Kie with a nervous look after seeing her husband's expression. 

"There is nothing wrong, but the mark he has on his face resembles the mark of someone that I've seen before. It's just that he might be in trouble when he grows up," answered Tanjuro which made Kie more worried.

Then, the sound of a baby crying erupted in the air. Tanjuro picked up his second child and felt even more shocked. His second son also had marks resembling what looked like fire reaching to his neck. He had seen a man with the same marks talking to another with the mark his first son had. This was definitely not a coincident. 

As soon as their first child saw their second, he immediately reached out to him and held his hand like he was saying 'it's going to be ok'. This immediately stopped the second from crying. The yellow eyed male started to giggle causing his older twin to smile.

Tanjuro and Kie observed the two children interact. It was like they already knew who the other was even though they were just new born babies.

"What are we going to name them?" asked Kie.

"How about naming the older one Yoriichi and the younger one Michikatsu?" suggesting Tanjuro.

"Sure," his wife smiled, holding the two children in her arms.


Time had gone by quite fast, the two Kamado twins are now seven and now have a little brother and sister, who were only one and two years younger than them. Their younger brother who is six is called Tanjiro, and their sister who's five is Nezuko.

As the twins got older, Tanjuro, Kie and Tanjiro noticed how close the two twins were. Nezuko who was only five didn't really know much yet, so she did not notice. The two twins always stuck together and protected each other,  like something had happened to cause the two to act this way. Tanjuro had a theory on why the two acted that way, he had seen it in an inherited memory.

Tanjuro and Kie watched as their children play outside, when they realized Yoriichi wasn't there. Then, they spotted a glimpse of black hair with red tips tied in a pony tail, heading towards the group of three children.

"Hey Michikatsu look!" said the male with black hair and red tips.

Michikatsu and the other two children turned their heads to the male, and their eyes widened except for the youngest who was five.

"You look cool Yoriichi!" said the male with black hair and yellow eyes.

"Thank!" said Yoriichi.

"You look like dad with your hair tied up. You look nice," said their younger brother Tanjiro while Nezuko had sparkles in her eyes.

"Thanks," said Yoriichi with no emotion.

This made Michikatsu and Tanjiro sweat drop. Yoriichi had barely showed any emotions growing up. The only times when he seemed to be able to show some emotions were towards his younger twin for some reason, while Michikatsu was able to show his emotions normally.

"Can you tie my hair up too? I wanna do the same thing as you." asked Michikatsu with a hair tie he got from their mother.

The two twins had very long hair that reached up to their waist, but they refused to cut it. The only times they cut it was when it went past their waist, but no more. Their mother gave them each a hair tie just in case it gets in their way.

"Sure," replied Yoriichi, taking the hair tie then tying his younger twin's hair up.

The two twins then rushed to their father to show him their new hair style.

"Dad, look!" said Michikatsu excitedly. 

Tanjuro turned around, causing his eyes to widen when he saw Yoriichi and Michikatsu. 'They look like....them.'  Tanjuro thought.

"Dad, is there something wrong? Do we look bad?" asked Michikatsu.

"No, you don't. It's just, you guys look like some people that I've seen before." replied Tanjuro with a gentle smile.

"Is it that bad?" asked Yoriichi.

"I'm not too sure, but if anything ever happens, you must protect yourself and your siblings as the oldest ones ok?" spoke Tanjuro with a soft tone. "No matter what happens, you two will always have each other, remember that." 

The two twins didn't really understand why their father seemed a little worried, but nevertheless, the both nodded their heads. The will protect their family, they will protect each other.


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