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Waking up, Yoriichi still had a bad that he could not get rid of. He and Tanjiro thanked Saburo before heading back up the mountain to their house where everyone was waiting for them.

Yoriichi's bad feeling started to build up more and more as they walked closer to their house. Though he has no idea why he was feeling like this, the tension that he felt grew stronger and stronger.

One the path back to their house, the bright colour of crimson red stood out on the plain white now. Blood.

This had alarmed Yoriichi. His eyes widened and looked back at Tanjiro who was about 2-3 meters behind him. The younger boy seemed to not have noticed yet. 'Something must've happened. Should I run up there to check? No,there's no time to think. After I finish thinking of what to do it might be too late. Tanjiro hasn't noticed this yet, so I should not tell him and run up by myself. He's going to find out when he sees this but, there's not enough time if I wait for him to find out,' thought Yoriichi.

"Nii-san? Why have you stopped moving?" asked Tanjiro.

Tanjiro did not get a reply form his older brother. Instead, Yoriichi started running up the mountains which made him confused on why the older male seemed to be in a rush. Tanjiro soon found out what caused his older brother to act that way. It was a trail of blood leading up the mountain in the direction of their home.

Yoriichi then heard someone start to run behind him, trying to catch up. 'Seems like he has noticed. Everyone, please be ok,'  prayed Yoriichi as grew more anxious.

When he got there, he saw that there was blood everywhere. His family members were all dead and covered in their own blood. Then, he saw Michikatsu laying on the ground lifeless however, he wasn't alone. A male with curly hair and sickly pale skin was hovering over Michikatsu, reaching his hand out to the unconscious boy laying on the ground.

"Hey! Back away from my brother you murderer!" shouted Yoriichi.

The male turned to his head to Yoriichi with a uninterested expression, which soon turned into a shocked one. 

"Who the hell are you! How could you do this?! They were alive living people! My family! How could you do such thing you demon!" yelled Yoriichi, throwing his axe at the male.

Yoriichi then realized what he said was quite accurate. Crimson red eyes. The curly haired male had glowing crimson red eyes. He is a demon, just like what Yoriichi had said. 

When the axe was about to his the man, he somehow disappeared right before his eyes and Tanjiro soon arrived and saw the massacre in front of him.

"What.....happened? " questioned Tanjiro.

"A man with curly black hair, pale skin and red eyes did this," answered Yoriichi.

"Nii-san! Nezuko! Nezuko's still warm!" shouted Tanjiro.

"That's good. Michikatsu is still alive as well. Let's take them down the mountain and ask for help," said Yoriichi.

And so, the two male decided to carry their unconscious siblings down the mountain. Then, something happened which caused both brothers to slip on the snow and fall down. 'This is bad,'  thought Yoriichi before grabbing his twin and letting his fall onto his own body so Michikatsu doesn't get anymore hurt.

"Nezuko! Nezuko!" Yoriichi heard Tanjiro shout.

What happened next caused the two brother's eyes to widen in shock. Nezuko had woken up, but she rushed at Tanjiro in a violent way, looking like she was trying to attack him. Tanjiro luckily had his axe on him so he used it as a muzzle. 'She's.....a demon!'  thought the two brothers.

Yoriichi then heard snow shuffling besides him and saw Michikatsu awake. 'Could he be? A demon as well?'  thought Yoriichi. 

Yoriichi was right. Michikatsu rushed at Yoriichi and also pinned him down on the snow. Yoriichi also had picked up his axe earlier so he grabbed it to protect himself.

Yoriichi observed his twin's new features. His black hair now had red tips just like his own, he had sharp teeth, long red nails and his once yellow eyes glowed gold.

"Michikatsu, it's me, you're brother. I'm sorry I broke the promise. If I got home early like I said, then maybe this could've been avoided. I'm sorry I let you and the others suffer like that. But right now you need to snap out of it Michikatsu!" said Yoriichi.

Michikatsu then started to tear up. He got up off Yoriichi and engulfed his older twin in a hug.

"It's.....ok. Nezuko... Tanjiro..."

Yoriichi and Michikatsu then looked at Nezuko and Tanjiro. At this point, Nezuko was also tearing off, but she did not get off Tanjiro yet. Yoriichi then heard the sound of someone running in the snow. 'Someone's coming,' thought Yoriichi.

Tanjiro grabbed Nezuko and rolled over, a bit of his hair getting cut by a sharp blue blade. In front of them was a male with black hair tied back and cold blue eyes. 

"Why protect it?" asked the male.

"She's our little sister," answered Tanjiro.

'So they're siblings,'  thought the blue eyed male, looking at Yoriichi and Michikatsu then back at Tanjiro and Nezuko . Nezuko then tried to get out of Tanjiro's grasp, growling.

"Nezuko!" said Tanjiro.

"You call that thing your sister?" questioned the male. 

The blue eyes male rushed at Tanjiro who still had Nezuko in his hold. Tanjiro tried to protect Nezuko but when he opened his eyes, Nezuko was being held with her hands behind her back by the unfamiliar man,

"Nezuko!" shouted Tanjiro and Yoriichi while Michikatsu sat on the ground, seemingly in a daze.

Tanjiro tried to get Nezuko out of the older male's hold however, he got knocked out. Nezuko then rushed to Tanjiro which made the older male's eyes widen. 'She's going to eat him,'  he thought. But to his surprize, she protected him. 

Although Yoriichi showed a calm expression like usual, he felt the fear and worry in his heart get replaced with relief. As he grew up, his family members thought that he had problems feeling emotions, but that wasn't the case at all. He felt emotions like a normal human, however it was hard to show it on his face. He loved everyone in his family equally, but it was just easier to show expressions around his twin. 

The blue eyed male then appeared behind Yoriichi and grabbed Michikatsu. 'That demon girl maybe alright, but this one has just been sitting in a daze. Even if he looks innocent, once he snaps out of that daze who knows what he'll do,' thought the male.

"Let my brother go!" shouted Yoriichi.

"No, that demon girl may be ok, but he might have bad intentions," replied the blue eyed male.

"No, Michikatsu is the same as Nezuko. He would never eat another human. But if you lay a finger on my siblings, I'll beat you!" declared Yoriichi, rushing towards the blue eyed male making him drop Michikatsu and block Yoriichi's axe with his blade. 

'Unbelievable! This speed is immense and I feel vibrations when I blocked his axe. He's strong.' thought the blue eyes male.

The blue eyed male ow had widened eyes. 'This boy. He' a demon! I need to knock him out now before this gets bad,'  thought the male knocking Yoriichi out. The blue eyed male then walked away from the unconscious Yoriichi and towards Michikatsu. 

Staring at the demon male's face, the blue eyed male was shocked. Though the boy had a blank face, tears were rolling his cheeks, his pupils going haywire. His body seemed to be shaking and his eyes held fear as his veins started to stand out greatly. 

When Michikatsu finally snapped out, he slowly turned his head to the blue eyed male with a dead look. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. It was like he didn't know what to say. He didn't. He then turned to look at Yoriichi's unconscious body.

"....Alive?" he spoke softly under his breath.

"He's alive," answered the blue eyed male. 



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