Chapter 45- Three speedy b*tches and Michikatsu

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"Then I guess the only way we'll be reunited as siblings is if you're under the control of Muzan! Demon blood art; Crystallisation second style: Reflection of crystal shine!" three crystal copies of Yuta appear and all charge at Michikatsu.

"Water breathing; Fourth form: Striking tide. I guess I'll have to say goodbye again like in my past life," Michikatsu performed multiple slashes to deliver attacks continuously.

Yuta's crystallised copies slowly turned dull and shattered.

[lOok yUta, a rOsE quARtz! iT's A lItTLe rUstY ThOugH. I hEarD tHat lOtS oF wAteR cAn mAKe a cRYasTal dUlL!]

'He...remembered that. Did he... regain memories of his past life? Then why does he still decide to go with Yoriichi?!' Yuta thought gritting his teeth.

"I had Tanjiro teach me this before meeting up with you. You see, my siblings are so helpful," smiled Michikatsu.


"You!- If you know how water works against my attacks then you must remember the past right?! Then why do you always insist on going with Yoriichi whether in the past or present?!" asked Yuta.

"Yuta, you may resent Yoriichi for leaving us, but I know that you knew why he had to," said Michikatsu.

"You must always take his side huh? You make excuses for him but that's not even why I dislike him. I wouldn't even care if he left me behind but you also left after he did and I was alone! Do you know how lonely I felt? That bastard was the reason you left! Our father kept nagging at me and forcing me to become his successor but I had no intention to at all so I had to runaway!" Yuta gritted his teeth.

"I see."

"What?! 'I see'?! That's how you reply to that?! After all the effort that I did to try to find you back then and trained so hard to become a hashira to get an audience with the leader of the slayer corps that time, it all went to waste after I found out that you had died! How could you kill yourself just because of that bastard Yoriichi's death?! What about me?! I'm your brother too yet you leave me behind to die with him! Even after you were reincarnated you still chose to follow him!" Yuta continued to express his anger.

"Yuta even if I didn't kill myself then I would've died sooner or later. I didn't want to follow the orders of the person that killed my brother either. Dying as a human as what I wanted, but my values in life would be stripped away from me if I worked under Kibutsuji so I ended myself. What's wrong with just wanting to live and die the way I want? There's nothing wrong with having values in life or a goal Yuta," replied Michikatsu.

"Values in life? A goal? Then why won't you let me complete mine if you respect it so much?!"

"A goal only matters when you understand the meaning of life. What's the feeling of accomplishment when you live forever? You may have a goal but if you push your morals away then it's all invalid," spoke Michikatsu.

"Michi-nii, we talked about this before. All of this doesn't matter anymore, we're in a fight. What words could possibly be any use in a fight (I mean talk no jutsu-)?" Yuta asked, the look of insanity in his red eyes. The brown haired demon rose his arm up and spoke, "Demon blood art: Crystallisation first style: Diamond Cutter" a katana started to form in Yuta's hand. "I hope you don't get cut by this Michi-nii, diamonds can cut through many things after all," Yuta threw a crystal in his direction.

"Moon breathing-" before Michikatsu could barely speak, Yuta appeared in front of him where the crystal he threw earlier would be and tried to slash him making Michikatsu block but his blade was sliced in half.

"Nice reflexes nii-sama. Your best friend Hizu helped me with that technique. It's my third style 'Jewel's light'," said Yuta.

"You shouldn't tell your technique to your opponent in a fight Yuta. Flesh manipulation: sword of flesh second form: thousand eyes(it does exist but it's not exactly the same in the manga but this is reincarnated so yeah)," a sword made from his own flesh formed in Michikatsu's hand. The only difference was that the blade and handle were covered in eyes, enhancing Michikatsu's vision.

'I don't know how his third technique works yet and I can barely react so I'll have to rely on my enhanced vision,'  thought Michikatsu.

"Don't get distracted now," Yuta appeared on Michikatsu's left side and kicked him, making the golden eyed demon smashed into a wall. "It seems you have some jewels in your pocket but that only helps me more," smiled Yuta.

[With Yoriichi]


'What was that?!'  Yoriichi looked at where Michikatsu and Yuta were but he was pushed by Hizu.

"When you're fighting with someone who can move by the speed of thunder, you shouldn't look away. Who knows if you'll get his by lightning?" smirked Hizu.

'How did he move so fast? I know he can move very fast but that was way too fast. It was as if he knew I'd look away for a bit,' thought Yoriichi. 

"Sun breathing: Sixth form: Solar heat haze" Yoriichi once again charged at  Hizu but the demon vanished and appeared behind him to kick him away.

"Do you really think you'd be able to cut me like that? Weak, too weak. Have you not fought against strong demons to get experience before? If you're this weak then I don't understand how you were able to convince Michikatsu-kun to stick around. A weak human like you could never be able to fight along with Michikatsu-kun-" Hizu was cut off when Yoriichi dashed in front of him and slashed at him, making him jump back.

"You know, while you were busy chattering away, I thought of a way to beat you or at least be able to wound you. This whole time it seemed like you know everything that I'd do as if you could see the future, but could you block something even if you knew it was coming if it's too fast for you to react? This is thunder vs thunder but mine is slightly faster than yours. 'Dancing flash' is a technique that combines the first move of thunder breathing and the first breath. Can your 'skill' beat dancing flash's speed?" smirked Yoriichi, taunting the green haired demon.

"You!- A weak human like was able to-"

"Don't talk about 'weak human' this and 'weak human' that. I'm tired of arrogant demons who's barely tastes defeat before think that any being weaker than them is prey. Look at your cheek, the cut I just landed on you hasn't healed as fast as those kizuki 12 members I've seen. Your arm too, there's a scar there from the time at the train that you got cut wasn't it? You're just like a human but with better strength who can never age," Yoriichi pointed out.

"What? 'Just like a human'?" it seemed like something inside of Hizu had snapped.

"Why do you act so surprised? Actually it doesn't seem like you're surprised at all. Now you're just standing still and your eyes looks like they're covered by something. Don't tell me you're the delusional type. Are you maybe... in the denial that you're just like a human?"

To be continued...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tashio Secret~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

- Hizu was the one that helped Yuta with his third skill since he's good with speed and transport related things

- 'Dancing flash' was originally made by Tanjiro

- Right now the Kamaboko squad, Uzui and his wives are fighting against Daki and Gyuutarou 

Hello everyone I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

I hope you have an amazing day/evening/afternoon!
Sleep early, try not to stay up late.
Stay safe, have fun and enjoy life!
ILY all SM for staying and reading my fanfic!

Manhwa recommendation: How to live as a villain 

Idiotic lazyass author-san/chan/kun/whatever out ✌ peace

See you all in the next chapter! <333 

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