Chapter 24- Village attack

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"Oh look, the main objective. How are you doing Michikatsu-niichan? Do you remember your cute little brother?~"

"I don't care who you are or who you were to me. All I need to know is that we are not blood related. For all I know my last name is not 'Tsugikuni'." 

"Then I'll have to help you remember then!"

"Blood demon art: Flesh manipulation; Sword of flesh"

Yoriichi's eyes widened looking at Michikatsu who had just made a sword out of his own flesh. 'That's.....blood demon art.'


"Blood demon art....." Yuta's lips curved up showing a psychotic smile and craziness in his six eyes "........crystal shards" six pink rose quartz shards formed in the arm and started flying towards Michikatsu. 

"Breath of the moon; Second form: Pearl flowers moongazing

Michikatsu performs several crescent-moon shaped slashes, sending a barrage of crescent slashes defending him from the incoming crystals.

'Interesting.'  thought Yuta with a crazed look along with a demon hiding in the shadows watching the fight.

"You're done Yuta. Sun breathing; 8th form: Sun flower thrust"

Yoriichi appeared behind Yuta, seeing Yuta let his guard down a little seeing Michikatsu use a breathing technique. 

Yuta's eyes widened 'What? no-'  Yuta's eyes widened, a panicked expression making its way up to his face. Then, he tilted his head down, hair covering his eyes(or at least the ones at the top).

"Just kidding~" Yuta lifted his head up revealing a psychotic smirk that was displayed on his face. "Blood demon art: crystalize

A pink substance made out of crystal made its way to Yuta's neck covering it as fast as blood gushing out of a large cut, making Yoriichi unable to cut through Yuta's neck.

Yoriichi leaped back next to Michikatsu his blade pointing towards Yuta. Then, clapping was heard. 

"Who's there? Come out." said Michikatsu pointing towards the window.

"Awww, can't recognise me either?" the green haired demon stepped out of the dark.

Michikatsu's eyes widened. What seemed like flashbacks of a male with green hair flashed in his mind but he couldn't exactly remember who. He let out a grunt of pain holding his head.

"Hizu...." Michikatsu unconsciously mumbled out loud.

The others in the same room heard it. A happy smile making its way onto 'Hizu's' face.

"Ah so you do remember after all(why am I getting Kaeya vibes from this?)." said Hizu making his way to Michikatsu.

Hizu stopped in his trails when a black blade with a red tip was pointed at his throat(I changed the nichirin sword design).

"Do you mind putting this down? Geez, why is everyone going after my throat." said Hizu pointing to the blade at his neck.

"And why should I do that? For all I know you could attack us anytime. Something is happening to my brother right now, and you could use that to your advantage to take him. There's no way in hell am I gonna to let that happen. Move a centimetre and I'll cut off your head." Yoriichi threatened Hizu.

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