Chapter 36- Kyojuro is kinda like Senjuro in a way don't you think?

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There was no way that someone like Kyojuro was weaker than everyone else. Both Yoriichi and Michikatsu knew that Kyojuro was someone who was admired by the other slayers, not excluding his fellow hashiras. Maybe even someone like Ubuyashiki could be moved by the bright male's determination and enthusiasm.

Rengoku not weak!


"Tch." Shinjuro walked out the room without another word while Senjuro stared at the twins in awe.

"Listen Senjuro," Michikatsu approached Senjuro, putting a hand on the younger male's shoulder, "if someone bullies you, you gotta stand up for yourself!"

"I know that but, he's my father so..."

"He has no right to push you around even if he is your father. What you are being is a pushover." said Yoriichi.

"..." Senjuro stayed silent.

"Why are you so quiet? I didn't tell you to stand up for yourself only to have you stay silent! I told you that so you'd speak up! I'm sure your mother would want you to be brave too!" said Michikatsu.

Senjuro's eyes widened, "...How do you know who my mother is? You talk as if you know her."

"I-um... every mother would like their child to have a happy life right? From the way your brother talked about her, she must've been a person with a strong sense of justice." answered Michikatsu.

"I see. I don't actually have a single memory about her since she died a couple months after I was born. Brother said she was a wonderful mother." said Senjuro.

Yoriichi narrowed his eyes, 'Rengoku-san told Michikatsu about his mother? How come the others and I didn't hear them talking about her?'  wondered Yoriichi.

"Oh yeah, you guys were here for a book in our library right? I'll go and try to find it for you." Senjuro walked out of the room.

After Senjuro left, Yoriichi and Michikatsu could only stare at the two of them in silence. 'What am I supposed to tell Yoriichi if he asks me?'  Michikatsu mentally panicked. 'Was Michikatsu lying about Rengoku-san talking about his mother? If he was, he must have a reason for it. I won't ask him.'  thought Yoriichi.

Then, the sliding doors opened and Senjuro entered the room with a book in his hands.

"This should be it." Senjuro handed the book to Yoriichi.

Yoriichi opened the book and began to flip through the pages until he saw that a few were ripped out.

"Oh, my father must've ripped them out in anger. I apologise for the inconvenience. I'll try to take them and send them to you if I could get them." Senjuro apologised.

"It's alright. We understand. We'll be leaving now. Thank you for trying to help us." said Yoriichi as he and Michikatsu bowed to Senjuro.

"Ah yes." Senjuro scratched his cheek.

"Bye now Senjuro!" waved Michikatsu.

"Oh wait!" Senjuro ran towards Yoriichi and handed him something.

It was the flame shaped guard that was on Kyojuro's katana.

"My brother's crow gave it to me on the way to the library to try and cheer me up. You should keep it." said Senjuro.

"No, I think you should keep it since it's your brother's." said Yoriichi.

"It's ok. I think it'll be better for you to keep it." replied Senjuro.

"Alright then." said Yoriichi.

"Come on we really need to go now. Bye for real this time Senjuro. Be brave ok? 'Set your heart ablaze'." said Michikatsu trailing behind his brother.

Senjuro started to tear up, seeing a flashing image of his brother slowly and slowly get smaller as he walked towards the sun. He walked inside and saw his nichirin blade against the wall, which still had a dull colour, reminding him of his failure. Senjuro clenched his fist. 'I'll get better. I won't give up this time.'  he thought determined.  

From across the estate, Shinjuro was staring at his son who had fire and determination in his eyes. 'He's just like you.'  the male thought looking up at the sky. 

Time breathing; first form: time skip*

"What do you think of Senjuro?" Yoriichi asked his brother.

"He looks exactly like Rengoku-san." replied Michikatsu.

"He's Rengoku-san's younger brother." Yoriichi deadpanned.

"I know but to me, he kinda reflects Rengoku-san too." said Michikatsu.

"How? questioned Yoriichi.

"Rengoku-san is like that too." answered Michikatsu.

"How? Rengoku-san doesn't seem like the type to be easily pushed around."

"I know but, there's just a look in his eyes that screams 'insecure'. Think about it, if he could really stand up for himself, then wouldn't he had already taken Senjuro with him and left? He's a hashira, that means he has his own estate. He's clearly insecure, it's just hard to see that part of him because it's covered by his brightness. His values as a human was so strong that it was able to cover everything." explained Michikatsu.

"That is...true. You're oddly observant." commented Yoriichi.

"Why do you sound so weirded out?! I've been your brother for so long but you didn't even notice this?!" complained Michikatsu.

"It's just's like you have the mind of someone who's lived for so long. It's like you understand everything around you." said Yoriichi.

"I...see. I act like an old man don't I?" chuckled Michikatsu.

"I guess." shrugged Yoriichi.

Michikatsu's smile slowly flatered, "If only we have a little more time, maybe then I'd be able to act like a child. It's been too long. If only I didn't remember so soon."

"What was that?" asked Yoriichi.

"'s nothing." Michikatsu flashed Yoriichi a closed eyed smile. "How do you think Tanjiro and the others are doing? Do you think they've recovered yet?"

"I'm not sure. We better get back early and check on them." replied Yoriichi.

"Then we better hurry and get back! Let's go! Full speed ahead!" Michikatsu jumped on Yoriichi's back, pointing forwards.

"Get off my back your heavy."

"Are you calling me fat?!"


"....This b*tch."

To be continued...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tashio Secret~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

- Yoriichi and Michikatsu barely had any sibling moments

- Zenitsu is currently crying and screaming while running around thinking that Yoriichi and Michikatsu had been kidnapped by demons, while Tanjiro and Inosuke try to stop him

- Shinobu is very close to slapping Zenitsu and telling him to shut up and calm down

Hey everyone! You guys can have an extra chapter this week since it's my birthday today! 🎉 The next chapter will be tomorrow! 

Have a great day/evening/night!
Sleep early, don't stay up late.
Stay safe, have fun and live!

Manhwa recommendation: Lookism

Idiotic-lazyass author-san/chan/kun/whatever is out ✌ peace!

See you next chapter/tomorrow! 

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