Chapter 14- The nice demons

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'Kibutsuji Muzan. How many people have suffered like this because of you? Turned into a demon against their will.'


The woman fell to the ground as her husband tackled her wanting to eat her flesh. He was now a human eating creature, who Muzan had just turned into. 

The woman started screaming causing a commotion and making everyone surround her and her husband.

"Dear what's wrong!" shouted the woman with tears in her eyes.

"Hey what's happening?"

"Is that blood?"

"Scary." the towns people whispered.

The man was about to bite his wife again when Tanjiro stepped in.

"Stop!" shouted Tanjiro stuffing his blue scarf into the man's mouth. 

Yoriichi was also going to step in but before he could, Muzan grabbed his arm stopping him. 'What are you doing Muzan? What are you planning not letting me go help? '  thought Yoriichi. Muzan then pressed his lips against Yoriichi's ears and whispered,

"You stay right there while your brother helps. I still need you to lead me to where your twin brother is."

This made Yoriichi's blood boil. 'How dare he! Doesn't anyone see this? Why is no one helping? They're all just by standers watching Tanjiro deal with this himself.'  thought Yoriichi. Yoriichi then looked at Tanjiro, who was pinning the new-turned demon on the ground, while two males helped the male's wife's bleeding shoulder. 

This caused a very loud commotion letting Muzan and his 'family' walk away. Yoriichi grabbed Muzan's wrist stopping him in his tracks.

"You're not getting away Kibutsuji Muzan. I'll follow you to the depths of hell. I'll never let you off! Not until you pay for the sins you've committed." said Yoriichi half whispering.   

Muzan smirked before pressing his lips against Yoriichi's ear whispering, "It's not like you've never committed a sin your twin brother's death. Oh, I had nearly forgotten about your other brother and Hizu." 

Taking advantage of Yoriichi's shocked form, Muzan slipped his wrist out of Yoriichi's hold and left. 

"Oi what's happening here!" shouted a a policeman. 

The crowd surrounding Tanjiro and Yoriichi opened up letting a few policemen in. 

"Kid, let go of that man." said the policeman.

"No, I can't. Bring some restrains please." said Tanjiro.

"Shut up and step away." said another policeman grabbed Tanjiro of the male demon.

Tanjiro and the policemen started to argue while people watched whispering about them. 

"Shouldn't you be helping your brother?" questioned a soft voice.

It was a woman's. 
Yoriichi's eyes scanned the crowd and saw a female with a flower patterned kimono, and a green haired male in the crowd. The woman flashed a gentle smile at him before looking away.
That was when Yoriichi finally snapped back to reality and helped Tanjiro up.

"Are you with that kid? You better tell him to get off that man." said a policeman.

"I'm sorry, but unless if you don't want to be eaten by that man then you should mind your own business." said Yoriichi not meaning to sound harsh.

"What did you say brat?!" shouted another policeman.

"I'm sorry if that sounded harsh, but this person is in a critical condition right now. Please leave so we can see if we can help him and his wife." said Yoriichi with a calm voice.

"Tch. Whatever. Let's go." said the policeman in charge of the group.

"What about the brats?" asked another policeman.

"Just leave them if they're going to be so sassy about it." replied the policeman in charge before the whole group left. 

'I'm sorry but when was I being sassy?....Wait was that being sassy?'  thought Yoriichi dumbfounded. 

"Now everyone please leave and ignore this. The problem has been solved please continue walking around this area." said the woman from before.

The woman walked up to Yoriichi and Tanjiro (who still had the male demon pinned on the ground), followed by a green haired male.

"I'm surprised. You two still use the term 'person' to refer to even a transformed demon. And you're trying to save him. Allow me to lend  you two a hand." said the woman.

"But why? Your scent tells me..." said Tanjiro shocked and confused.

"That's right. I am..... a demon, but I am also a doctor..... and I wish to eliminate that man, Kibutsuji Muzan." replied the woman.

In another place*

"Aren't you coming too daddy?" asked the little girl in her mother's arms.

"Daddy has work. I have a business meeting I need to attend. I'm also a little concerned about that disturbance just now, but don't worry I'll be fine. Have a safe trip." replied Muzan walking away.

Walking into an alleyway, Muzan bumped into a drunk male.

"What was that you bastard?!" said the drunk male.

"I apologise." said Muzan stopping in his tracks before walking away.

"Oi came back!" said the male grabbing Muzan's shoulder.

"I'm sorry but I happen to be in a rush so...." 

"Huh? What did you say? Hey, look at you, decked out in those polish-looking threads! You piss me off! You and your pale face, looks like you're about to fall over dead!" insulted the drunk male getting on Muzan's nerves.

He was brutally murdered while two females screamed. A  bald headed male tried to get Muzan for killing his brother however, he was also killed by the demon king himself. The two females screamed, one of them dropping dead as well. Muzan crotched down in front of the other female who was still alive. 

"Does my complexion look unhealthy to you?" questioned Muzan putting his hand on the female's cheek before continuing, "Is my face pale? Do I look sickly to you?" his eyes glowing crimson red.

The female didn't dare say anything, listening to Muzan in horror.

"Do I look like I'm not long for this world? Do I look like I'm going to die?" asked Muzan retreating his palm from her face.

"Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong." he repeated like he was going insane.

"I'm a living being who's infinitely close to perfection." said Muzan.

He grew his nail impaling it in her forehead, his blood flooding her body, instantly exploding her. Muzan stood up snapping his finger. Two demons appeared knelling down not daring to look up.

"Bring me the head of a Demon Slayer with a checked haori and a demon with golden eyes and a purple haori named Michikatsu, alive. If you can't find the demon, capture the Demon Slayer with a singular earring and a red haori. Kill anyone who gets in the way. However, leave the slayer with the singular earring for those two." commanded Muzan.

"Yes master" said the two demons

To be continued...


Yes, I know I've been slacking a little......ok a lot. I'm sorry but I've been a little tired but I'm back. Yes, I'm not dead though that does not seem like a bad option......Ok yeah I'm not gonna jump off a building anytime now just because you don't like me. Anyways have a good day, sorry for being a lazy ass again. I admit that I am one.

!DISCLAIMER: Demon Slayer(Kimetsu no Yaiba) does not belong to me!

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