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Yoriichi and Tanjiro finally arrived back at Mt Sagiri. When they arrived at where Urokodaki's cabin was, they saw Nezuko there awake.

"Nezuko!" shouted Tanjiro, hugging his little sister.

Urokodaki then appeared. Seeing the two males, he dropped all the wood he was carrying and ran up to them, hugging them.

"You're alive. You guys are really alive!" said Urokodaki happily.

Urokodaki then broke the hug and pat Nezuko on the head.

"She woke up a while ago before you got back," said Urokodaki.

"What about Michikatsu?" asked Yoriichi.

"He woke up even earlier than Nezuko. He got tired again and went back to sleep though. He's inside right now," answered Urokodaki.

Yoriichi walked inside, and saw Michikatsu sleeping peacefully. He let out a small smile.


Tanjiro, Yoriichi and Urokodaki sat in front of the fire talking to each other, while Nezuko and Michikatsu were both sleeping peacefully. Tanjiro had just told Urokodaki that he had killed the Hand demon, who was the cause of the death of his other students.

"I see, you killed the morphed demon," said Urokodaki.

"Yes," Tanjiro nodded his head.

"At last..." Urokodaki lowered his head.

"I'm impressed that you two actually made it back alive with your limbs still intact," said Urokodaki, looking at the two Kamado brothers. 

"Yes," replied the two brother in unison.

"There are several kinds demons. The demons who use a spell called 'Blood Demon Art' possesses supernatural abilities," explained Urokodaki.

This made Tanjiro and Yoriichi surprised. 

"You two might have to fight those demons as well, from now on. Battling them will be far more difficult than anything you've known until now. Even so, Yoriichi, Tanjiro, I'm sure you'll both be fine," said Urokodaki.

"Right," Yoriichi and Tanjiro spoke at the same time.

Tanjiro and Yoriichi then both looked at the wooden wall next to them, where Nezuko and Michikatsu were both currently sleeping. Both of them having the same idea..

"I think that Nezuko and Michikatsu aren't like the other demons," started Yoriichi.

"Do you think it could be whatchamacallit art?" asked Tanjiro.

"It's called 'Blood Demon Art' Tanjiro," corrected Yoriichi.

"Yeah, what nii-san said."

"No, I don't think so. I wouldn't call that an example of Blood Demon Art," answered Urokodaki shaking his head.

"Huh?" said Tanjiro confused.

"There's nothing wrong with Michikatsu and Nezuko right?" questioned Yoriichi, worried for his younger siblings. 

"No, I don't think there's anything wrong with them. But they're not exactly normal though." replied Urokodaki.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Yoriichi.

"Normal demons would feast on human flesh without any mercy. There's no such thing as 'family' to demons. But then there's Nezuko and Michikatsu. They're different from others because they still have their consciousness and aren't controlled by that man. They still have their memories as well while most other demons aren't able to remember their past. That's what I mean by they aren't 'normal'. But in health, they're perfectly fine," explained Urokodaki.

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