Chapter 13- Encounter with Muzan(again)

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'Live on Kazumi-san. You still have a life. Seeing that was awful. Were we ever like that when we lost our family? Was I acting like that to that man when I first saw him? Kibutsuji Muzan, how many people have you killed and tortured? I swear I'll kill you in the name O/Yoriichi. I'll make sure the same thing that happened to us doesn't happen to another kid out there.' 


The sun was now up and it's now day time. Demons no longer roam the streets of Japan, unable to withstand the heat and light radiating from the sun.

Michikatsu and Nezuko were now in their boxes sleeping, while Yoriichi and Tanjiro carried them.

"Caw! Caw!"

Yoriichi looked up seeing his Kasugai crow. 'Another mission?'  thought Yoriichi.

"Kamado Yoriichi and Kamado Tanjiro! Next up, Asakusa, Tokyo! Demons have been lurking there! caw!" said the crow.

"Huh? We're heading to our next mission already?" whined Tanjiro.

Time breathing; First form: Time skip*

Yoriichi and Tanjiro arrived at Akasuka by night time. There were buildings around them while trains moved transporting people. The streets were full of people and there was light everywhere. 'Cities are quite different from where we were from.'  thought Yoriichi. 'Are the cities this advanced now? It's night time, but it's so bright out!'  Tanjiro mentally screamed. 

Yoriichi put Michikatsu's box down and opened it letting Michikatsu out. 'Michikatsu should see this too.'  thought Yoriichi. Tanjiro also let Nezuko out but she was sleep walking. 'What is this? The cities.... I feel dizzy.'  thought Tanjiro as a train passed by. 'There's people everywhere.' thought Yoriichi looking around.

"Tanjiro, try to stick together. We might get separated in this crowd. Keep your eyes peeled as well. There could be a demon hiding in the crowd." said Yoriichi.

"Hai, nii-san." replied Tanjiro holding Nezuko's hand.

The Kamados walked(more like ran) around the city, and stopped at an udon stand. 

"Excuse me." said Yoriichi to the udon stand owner.

"Two bowls of ramen with granted yam on top please." said Tanjiro out of energy. 

"Uh, sure thing!" said the owner.

"Here are your two bowls of udon with granted yam on top." said the owner handing Yoriichi and Tanjiro their udon bowls.

"Arigatou gozaimasu." thanked the two brothers taking their udon bowls.

The two brothers were about to start eating their food, when they noticed something. 'What's this? I have an a bad feeling about something. This feeling...... that man! He's here isn't              he.'  thought Yoriichi grabbing his katana and running in the direction he felt was right. A foul scent had hit Tanjiro's nose, making his eyes widen running after Yoriichi. 

"Mmm mmf!"[where are you going?] said Michikatsu.

"Oh nii-chan, please take care of Nezuko for me. I'm going after nii-san." said Tanjiro.(Tanjiro calls Yoriichi'nii-san' and Michikatsu 'nii-chan'. I know it's confusing with the 'san' and 'chan').

"Mmm mmr mmmf mmr!"[hey! Wait a minute!] said Michikatsu.

Michikatsu's eyes then widened catching a scent in the air, 'Could it be.....that man? But then Yoriichi might be......No, that man wouldn't kill anyone in front of a crowd, since it would cause a scene in a crowded place like this.'  thought Michikatsu.

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