Chapter 60 - The end

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"You shouldn't help yourself to someone else's belonging's without their permission, Michikatsu-kun," the pieces of paper in his hand was snatched by Hizu. "Though part of me is relieved that you had read them," Hizu ripped the papers and scattered them on the ground. "You shouldn't have come here. You should've just ignored me when you saw me. I didn't want you to see me like this," Hizu walked closer and closer to Michikatsu, cupping Michikatsu's face with his hands. "You should never see me weak," a tear slipped down Hizu's cheek as his expression remained a psychotic one.

"I'm sorry," Michikatsu spoke softly.

"It doesn't matter. This battle... will be our last," Hizu drew his sword.


Forming a sword in his hand, Michikatsu got his stance ready for battle as well as Hizu. For their finale battle, they both decided to use the breathings that they learnt/made before just like the old times when they sparred with each other. They were on the same side but then and now, they're on opposite ends.

"Breath of thunder; Fifth form..."

"Breath of the moon; Sixth form..."

"Heat lightning!" a sword slash with lightning came towards Michikatsu.

"Perpetual night, lonely moon," a barrage of crescent shaped slashes went towards Hizu. "You're as fast as ever," commented Michikatsu.

"You're still quite strong too. I envy you, all I have is speed," smiled Hizu.

[With Yoriichi]

Yoriichi was dropped in a room not too far from where Michikatsu was. Seeing a demon enter the room, Yoriichi quickly decapitated it and went back to finding Michikatsu when he heard a loud noise.

Rushing to where it was, he entered a room and saw Michikatsu and Hizu fighting.

"Ah look, we have a spectator," said Hizu.

"Yoriichi...." said Michikatsu.

Yoriichi was about to rush in and help when a sword landed tip first in the floor in front of him. It was Michikatsu's sword. Yoriichi stared at Michikatsu in disbelief who looked the other way and just when he was about to ask, Michikatsu spoke first in a low voice.

"Don't interfere. This is our last battle." 


"Please! I f*cking beg you!" Yoriichi was surprised by Michikatsu's yelling. 

Michikatsu was usually a calm person. He didn't really raise his voice, even when he was just joking around. Yoriichi then hesitantly agreed to not interfere.

"Give me your sword," said Michikatsu, extending his hand towards Yoriichi. 

Yoriichi looked at the sword in his hand. He didn't really want to hand the sword that once belonged to Hizu to his brother. It was the same sword that Michikatsu had used to kill himself in the past. Reluctantly, he gave the sword to Michikatsu.

Approaching Hizu, Michikatsu handed Hizu his original sword and took the one in Hizu's hand.

"You're really giving me this?" Hizu looked at the sword in his hand.

"Only for this fight then after that, It's Yoriichi's," replied Michikatsu.

Resuming their fight, Hizu and Michikatsu charged towards each other while Yoriichi just watched.

"Hey Hizu, earlier when you said you envied how strong I was, was it really true?" Michikatsu asked out of nowehere.

"It was. If I was still a human and not a demon, I might not stand a chance," Hizu honestly replied.

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