Chapter 31- Sweetly bitter dreams/memories

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Then, the train cabin door open and a sickly man entered. It was a demon.

Tanjiro and Yoriichi reached to their sword but it seemed that Kyojuro had already got there first, killing the demon with his flames.


Everyone was left is awe at the flame pillar's skills. 'Such speed.'  thought Yoriichi staring at the flame pillar sheathing his katana.

"Please take me as your tsugoku!" the Kamaboko squad pleaded the flame hashira who chuckled.

"I'll take you all in as my tsugoku!" said the flame hashira making the three slayers cheer.

Yoriichi watched the group cheer while Kyojuro laughed in the middle.

[tHaT's aMAzInG Y*#!*!$%&]

[yEaH! oNe dAy i'Ll bEcoME a sKiLLeD sWorDsmAn aND sUrpAsS yOu]

[tCh. sToP ActINg lIKe iT's sO aMaZIng. yOu'Re mUcH bETteR tHAn hIm ANyWayS.]

[bUt iT's sTIll sO coOl!]

[I cAn Do beTteR ThAn hIm]

voices made their way into Yoriichi's head. 'Who were those people? Why do they sound so familiar?' wondered Yoriichi.

Everyone settled down back into their seats and the train cabin opened again. A sickly male entered with a uniform went around to check everyone's tickets. After the worker cut a hole it their tickets, the group slowly felt sleepy and went unconscious.

A group of people walked up to each slayer and tied a rope around their wrists which connected to their own, and collapsed asleep. 

In Kyojuro's dream*

"Father, I became the flame hashira."

"You're still weak and pathetic." his father told him, not even bothering to face his son.

Kyojuro walked out of the room, only to run into his little brother.


"Nii-san, I heard what happened." said Senjuro.

"It's ok." Kyojuro replied.

"What would happen if I become hashira? Will he be proud of me?" Senjuro asked.

Kyojuro walked up to his brother and kneeled down to his brother height, putting his hand on his brother's head and flashing a warm smile.

"It's alright. I'll be there for you when you become hashira." Kyojuro replied.

The two brothers hugged. 

"How stupid." their father mumbled hearing the two brothers who were right outside his room.

Zenitsu's dream*

Zenitsu was walking around holding Nezuko's hand who was now a human again.

"Nezuko-chaan~" said Zenitsu covered surrounded by flowers.

The two came across a river.

"Zenitsu I can't swim." said Nezuko.

"It's ok Nezuko-chan, I'll carry you."

Inosuke's dream*

"Alright we're here servants!" exclaimed Inosuke.

There stood a weird looking Zenitsu, Nezuko, Tanjiro and Yoriichi.

"Where is Mikichiru?!" asked Yoriichi.

"Miruchika is somewhere far away! We must go find him! Whoever finds him gets this acorn!" exclaimed Inosuke.

Tanjiro's dream*

In Tanjiro's dream, he was happily eating dinner with his family. They were alive, all of them but...there was something wrong.

"What's wrong nii-chan?" asked Shigeru.

"Where's Yori-niisan and 'katsu-niichan?" asked Tanjiro.

His family looked confused. 'Huh? Did I say something wrong? Are Yori-niisan and 'katsu-niichan dead?' thought Tanjiro.

"Nii-chan....who are you talking about?" questioned Nezuko.

"...What?" Tanjiro's eyes widened.

"Are they your friends?"

"Why do you call them 'big brother'?" 

his family bombarded him with questions.

"What are you guys talking about? They're our oldest siblings remember? Kamado Yoriichi and Kamado Michikatsu." said Tanjiro.

"Huh? Are you going insane? You are our oldest brother." said Takeo.

"Why don't you remember them? Yori-niisan would always help you cut wood with 'katsu-chan." said Tanjiro.

"No," Hanako shook her head, "you were the one who helped Takeo-niichan cut wood. You would bring back candy for Shigeru-nii and read stories to me too."

'But Yori-niisan was the one who brought candy for Shigeru. 'Katsu-niichan always read stories to Hanako too.'  Tanjiro was beyond confused. They were acting like the twins never existed in the first place.

"There's no one with those names in the village either."

"Wait...what did you say their named were again?" asked a human Nezuko.

"Their named were Kamado Yori-" Tanjiro cut himself off.

'What were their names again....? Who were they?'  Tanjiro couldn't recall any memories of the two males anymore.

"Never mind." Tanjiro replied, continuing to eat his dinner.

Yoriichi's dream*

Yoriichi was in the body of is younger self however, it was his surrounding that he couldn't recognise. He was unable to move as he liked. His body talked on it's own and moved as it liked. It was like he was in someone else's point of view.

The younger him swung their wooden sword at an older male, knocking the older male's sword out of his hands. The older male looked shocked, so was another person... the younger version of Michikatsu.

The next thing that happened made Yoriichi feel like he was in a loop of time.

"That's amazing Yoriichi." the older male complimented the younger Yoriichi.

"Yeah! One day I'll become a skilled swordsman and surpass you!"

'Huh? Didn't I hear these lines before?'  thought Yoriichi extremely confused.
Then, another voice joined in on the conversation.

"Tch. Stop acting like it's so amazing. You're much better than him anyways."

A male with light brown hair and brown eyes walked in with an irritated expression. 
'It's that guy again. What did he say his name was again...ah yes...Tsugikuni Yuta.'  Yoriichi stared at Yuta intently, wondering what was going on. It seemed that the brown haired male noticed because he snapped his head towards the younger Yoriichi's direction with a look of disgust. 

"Why are you staring at me like that? It's annoying."

'Huh? That wasn't what the voice said next.'  thought Yoriichi, remembering that he had heard these voices before.

To be continued...

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