Chapter 49- Go to the swordsmith village

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Hizu's injury had healed immediately unlike other times. Usually, injuries would leave a scar on him and take a long time to heal since he was still half human, but this time, it has healed. 'Normally, Hizu-dono would dodge because his regeneration abilities as more similar to a human's than a demon's but this time, Akaza-dono was able to land a hit on him even though Hizu-dono could predict the future. I thought it was because Akaza-dono has become too strong for Hizu-dono or Hizu-dono's demon powers has weakened, but it was because Hizu-dono deliberately let Akaza hit him. Maybe it's because Hizu-dono has recovered his lost demon blood and has become a full blooded demon again,' thought Douma.

"You!- What did you do to upper moon one? How did you become like this?" questioned Akaza, eyes still widended.

"Sorry," Hizu licked the blood on his lips, "Yuta can't come out right now but don't worry, the spot of upper moon one... is mine," grinned Hizu, his eyes glowing as the kanji 'ichi' formed on his other eye that didn't have a time symbol. 


'Tanjiro's awake,' thought Yoriichi, hearing loud voices coming from Tanjiro's room. Getting from his seat, he walked to where Tanjiro's room was when he saw Michikatsu with three letters in his hands.

"Are you planning to give him that even though he just woke up?" asked Yoriichi walking besides his twin brother.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"You'll scare him."

"I'm not the one scaring him, that's the letter writer's job," grinned Michikatsu making Yoriichi mentally face palm.

"Oh I know! Did I get a new sword while I was unconscious? I chipped my old one," said Tanjiro.

"Hey Tanjiro, looks like I came at the right time to tell you about your nichirin sword," Michikatsu smiled.

"Oh Michi-niichan! Do you have my sword?" Tanjiro sat up.

"I think you should read these before you do anything else," Michikatsu handed Tanjiro the letters.

'This... is not good... Yeah,' Tanjiro sweat dropped looking at the three letters filled with insults and cursed from Hagenezuka, his black smith.

"Pft- your face right now I can't-" Michikatsu who looked like he was about to burst out laughing, got his mouth covered by Yoriichi who was sighing.  

"Hagenezuka-san hasn't sent you or me any swords for the last two months," said Yoriichi who had broken his sword after he had switched back with O/Yoriichi.

"But I only chipped it this time! And this is the first time nii-san has broken his!" Tanjiro looked nervous.

"Don't you think your swordsmith is being a little difficult though? It should be common for demon slayers to chip and break their swords right?" commented Michikatsu.

"But you've never chipped or broken a sword so you wouldn't know...?" said Tanjiro.

"That's because I can make my own," Michikatsu formed a sword made of his flesh in his hand.

"Can you make one for me then?! Hagenezuka-san doesn't seem too happy about me chipping my sword so I don't know if he'll ever send me one again," asked Tanjiro.

"I can't, it's made out of my own flesh and even if I'm a demon, I don't have a source to replenish my energy like other demons and human flesh, so it's quite hard me to multiple a lot of sword. I can only make a lot if they're attacked to me," explained Michikatsu.

"I see," Tanjiro once again looked nervous.

"That's why I talked to Ubayashiki-san," said Michikatsu.

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