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As I ran out, I got back to my booth to see just Fran staring at me.

"You're going to get blue balls you know, and I ain't dealing with your cranky ass self," I glare at her then call a taxi. Once the taxi gets here, I call the one person I know. After two rings she answers.

"Can I come over?"

"Yeah sure, just let me know when you are outside."

I ended the call and told the taxi the directions. After that embarrassment I just had to leave, and I don't want to keep bumping into Lee and Clara.

Fuck sake!


As soon as the night was over, we all went home. I didn't have work the next morning which was good. It's a Sunday so I'm pretty sure it will just be Lee and I chatting shit all day. A lot happened last night, and all I've been doing is pushing it away. I'm currently making breakfast as Lee wakes up from my guest room.

"Dude!" She walks in and stares at me. I glare at her confused as hell. "You have hickeys! And they are dark!" 

My eyes nearly pop out of my head, I swear I properly woke up that second. Running to the nearest bathroom, I look into the mirror at my messy hair which has been covering them. Once I move strands aside, I notice four distinct hickeys.


"Tyler did a number on you!" Lee says as she leans against the door frame, smirking like a Cheshire Cat.

"I'm going to have to put make up on this shit."

"It looks sexy, you guys looked like you were having fun last night," She says as we walk back to the kitchen.

"Yeah...can we not speak of that. It was a mistake and will never happen again."

"If you say so," she smirks widely.


It's Monday morning and honestly all I want is my coffee. Lee was loud all last night while we were playing video games. I swear she uses my gaming system more than I do. I've also had Tyler on my mind too much, it keeps making me hot and bothered. 

Stepping into the building, I'm wearing my sunglasses. I'm hoping people notice that I don't want to talk. All that can be heard are my heels against the marble flooring. As I press the elevator button, I walk in and watch someone rushing to get in. I decide not to look up until they finally get in.

"Oh hi!" 


She's wearing a light grey suit that looks very attractive on her, she suits it. I look closely to see hickeys that I know for a fact I did not leave. I've never felt this feeling before, well only when Jade would get things I wanted. Jealousy? No way!

I nod then she finally gets out with a sigh. Once I get to my floor, Natalie is on her desk typing away then she hands me my coffee as I walk into my office. I can already feel that today is going to be a long one.

"So how was your night?" Nat asks as she leans against my door.

"Nat honestly, don't pretend that Lee didn't tell you," I roll my eyes.

"She did but she tends to chat a lot of shit," Nat laughs slightly which causes me to smile.

"I ended up kissing Brooks. It was unexpected but will never happen again," I groan.

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