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Tyler's POV

"Not now Ty!"

"Listen I'm only here to bring the paperwork, chill!"

"I don't care! You could have left it with Natalie"

"Okay fine. I'll leave it with her. Jesus" I walked away and closed the door behind me, frustratedly putting the work on Natalies desk. I didn't know I put it that hard until I saw her jump a little. "Sorry Nat. Listen I'm going to get Terry to drop of work from now on, or just email me and I'll send you a copy." I say with a sigh then make my way down stairs.


Lees POV

"What the hells wrong with them two?" I ask Nat as I come to her desk. I watch as Tyler walks away with her head low. These past couple of days they have been arguing a lot. I thought it was just stress at work but it's happening at anytime of day. Clara isn't a shock when it comes to arguing but Tyler is. Ty is usually the level headed one out of the two but it seems they can't last a couple seconds with each other without biting each other's head off.

"It's worse, Ty won't be coming up here anytime soon. She's got Terry on the case when it comes to bring work. And she no longer brings lunch! Listen this girl always brings lunch! No matter what! And it's stopped. Clara seems to be in a shit mood all the time too"

It doesn't make sense, just last week they were fine and in love. Now it's just like they can't stand each other. I nod at Nat and give her a kiss then knock on Clara's door. I hear a strong 'Come in' and so I did.

When I entered I see a frown on Clara's face, almost like there is disappointment in her eyes as soon as she sees me. "Where you expecting someone else?"

She takes off her glasses and leans back on her chair, "Kinda"

I sit on the chair opposite her desk, "What's going on with you and Tyler?"

She was about to speak before we got interrupted, "I'm sorry I'm back again. Terry is gone for his break and I forgot to give you this. Need to be signed off as soon as" She drops the documents on the desk and was about to leave.

"Does it look like I'm a magician?!"

Tyler's jaw clenched and fire lit in her eyes, "I never said you were. Just get it signed"

"I forgot your the boss"

"I forgot your a bitch"

"I forgot you two are in love" I say loudly to catch their attention. They both look at me and their eyes soften. Tyler grunts and leaves, slamming the door.

"THANKS FOR BREAKING THE DOOR!" Clara shouts. She rakes her hands through her hair and sighs.

"What the fuck is going on?!"

Clara's looks up with glistened eyes, "We're just fighting a lot recently. I'm guessing it's the baby, I mean it's how the arguments started."

"But you aren't pregnant yet or you?"

"Nope not at all but I don't know Lee. Seems like she doesn't want one, then work is on top then just small petty shit happens. She's really pissing me off, pretty sure I'm doing the same to her" She sighs and wipes the single tear that falls.

"I'm sure you guys will sort this out"

"We don't sleep in the same room" I look at her in shock.

"Wait why?!"

"The arguments got worse, and I kicked her out the room. It's my own fault but it was just becoming irritating"

"This happening around Elijah?"

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