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Clara's POV

The good news; They have some good dirt on Rachel to make an arrest. The bad news; Rachel is missing. Honestly we were both shocked but just had to trust the process. Hannah said to be patient which we are being. It's been nearly a month and honestly I'm trying to think positively. I just got back from work and on my way to take a shower. It's been quite a long day and I'm exhausted. When I get out he shower I go straight into bed as Tyler and Eli are downstairs. As soon as my head hits the pillow I fall straight asleep.



"Baby, please get up"

Now I know how Tyler feels...

"Babe it's important" I groan and slowly peas my eyes open. When I turn around I see it's five am, I look at her confused and pissed off. She picks up the blanket and I look down. Blood...

I look at her and she immediately gets up, she disappears and comes back shortly with Elijah in hand. Eli is still asleep. I get up slowly to see the blood more clearly. I feel my heart beating strongly, my legs going weak. A wetness on my face, tears.

I walk and change into some shorts and put a pad on. Once we get downstairs and outside, Tyler puts Eli in his baby seat and we drive to the hospital. When we get there, we wait shortly and then get in. They tests me and I wait patiently. "It could be spotting right...could just be nothing right?" I say weakly to Tyler, she kisses my head. Elijah is in the car seat next to us.

We wait and wait, then the nurse and doctor walk back in. "Unfortunately you have suffered a miscarriage"

"But...but...I'm only a month along. I-I wasn't doing anything wrong" I feel my eyes become blinded by tears and a rock in my throat.

"I'm sorry Clara" The doctor says. He keeps saying things but I just mute it out. I stare into the distance and nod whenever Ty would. Once we finished I slowly walked out, going straight into the car. The ride back being a quiet one. When we got home, Tyler put Elijah back in his bed. Luckily he didn't wake up the entire time. I walk back into my room and stare at the blood on the bed. I feel my legs go weak and totally collapse, Tyler's arms catching me. I sob into her chest.

"Shhh baby, it's going to be okay"

She rocks me as we sit on the floor, after a while she takes me into the bathroom and washes me. I get changed as she changed the bed, when I get back out I see fresh sheets and two coffees in her hands. I walk towards her and place a longing kiss on her lips. "Did I do something?" I whisper

She places the coffee down and sits me down on the bed, she squats down and places her hands on my knees. " didn't do anything wrong. Unfortunately miscarriages are normal, we will go through this together. I'll be at your side, don't blame yourself." I nod slowly.

She slides into the sheets with me and I place my head on her chest. My eyes slowly fall.


Tyler's POV

She's in a horrid mood. There's not much I can do about it, I don't blame her for feeling like this nor acting like this. This has to be the worst Clara has been, there's a lot more anger and irritation in her. Luckily I haven't fallen victim to it, she seems to be better on her own. But still I can see the pain in her eyes. As we came into work today she went straight to her office and hasn't come out since. It's been a week since we found out. It broke me when the doctor said it. But it broke me more seeing Clara broken.

I told Lee, Fran and Nat what happened. They have tried supporting her but Clara would get angry or just ignore them. I'm currently in my office, sending an email when I see Terry walk. "What's up Ter?"

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