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Clara's POV

This weekend it's just been I and Eli for the most part but I'd give him to Fran so Tyler can see him for a couple hours. I'm still so hurt and confused. I don't know how to feel, and I think Eli can tell. He has been crying a lot more than usual, and seems fine once he is back from Frans.

Eli crawls around a lot, and he is pretty fast. As I was in the office, he started to crawl in different areas in the room. But he never made a mess, just picked things up and then put them back. His hairs been growing more, I may just leave it how it is. I've blocked Tys number, I just couldn't deal with the calls. Fran would look at me with hope in her eyes but it didn't help. All I've been focusing on is my work.

It's Monday morning and I've dropped Eli to day care, as I get to the office I see people staring at me. But I'm used to it. Today I'm wearing a red tight dress, hugging my curves with a v cut, so my chest is in full view. A black trench coat, heels and sunglasses to compliment the look.

Is it just me, but clothes really help me when I'm in a bad mood.

As I get in the lift, I was about to click the button when someone comes running in. Terry.

"Hey boss, how's everything?" He gives me a genuine smile and I can tell he doesn't know of the recent events.

"It's been all good, how about you? How's the work been?"

"Well we finished everything. It's been hell but Ty really pulled through. Poor girl needs a holiday!" He says with another large smile.

I smile weakly and nod.

"You know one time, she was so submerged into it that when I and Michelle tried talking to her she didn't reply. And this went on for hours, no food just work. Honestly may just buy her lunch to think about it!" He laughs softly but the sound of Michelle's name leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

"I see you guys are closer. You, Tyler and the girl."

"I and Tyler yes. But I don't particularly like Michelle, same as Ty. The girl annoys her to death" He laughs again and I smile at the image of Tys annoyed face. It's cute.

He finally gets off and waves, I wave back and continue to my floor. Where I see an unexpected individual.

"What do you want Mark" I say through gritted teeth as he stands by Nats desk then follows me inside. I take my trench off and sit on my desk. His eyes wondering on my body. "My eyes are up here"

"Oh yeah sorry" He clears his throat. If Mark wasn't such a dick at times then there could have been something but Tyler is ten times better. Or so I thought so.

"What do you want?"

"I know you have a kid and all but I'm willing to be a dad for him. A real dad. And treat you like the queen you are" I stare at him in shock. This can't be the same small dick idiot? Nah it can't?!


"I love you Clara...please give me a chance."


Tyler's POV

Honestly the worst weekend of my life. I know it could sound dramatic but two days without the girl I love is shitty, especially when she hates you right now and this could be the end of something great. Having Eli around just reminded me of her even more which made me happy but miss her incredibly more.

"Hey are you okay?" Fran asks as she drives me to work.

"Yeah I'm good, another day in hell I guess"

"I know this is off topic, but out of all of us...Lee would definitely go to Hell!"

Lee gasps, "That's so unfair! Why would I?!" We picked her up this morning as she forgot to put petrol in her car.

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