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Tyler's POV

All I've been doing for the past hour is staring at this wall, it just seems very interesting for some reason. Elijah's in school and Clara's at work. I had to force her to leave, she wanted to stay but work is busy from what I've heard. It's just I and Rocky here. The nightmares have been bad, every time I think they get better they don't. Clara would wake me up, thankfully I haven't hurt her in the process.

Staring at this wall has become a regular thing, it reminds me of when I was back in the basement...just staring at basically nothing. After a couple more minutes I get up and walk to the kitchen. I wince slightly and hold my side as I grab a cup and pour myself some water. As I'm drinking it I hear the front door open and close. When I turn around I see Francesca and Lee looking at me with smiles. "What do you two want?"

"You've been home for days now, and you still look like shit" Fran says with a grin.

I roll my eyes, "Takes more than a couple days to look good"

Lee scoffs, "Firstly you need a haircut" She walks up to me and messes with my hair then holds my cheek, "How are the nightmares?" I shake her hand off and walk to the living room and sit. Wincing in the process I look as the two of them sit opposite me.

"Have you ever thought of therapy?"

I scoff this time, "First you say Elijah and now me?"

"I'm being serious Ty, Clara says that you've been spacing out a lot. Forgetting things..."

I sigh and rub my temple...maybe it would be good to go. For my family. "Fine. I'll try it out...but first the haircut" I say with a smile, the two of them high fave making me laugh. They help me get changed into some sweats and a hoodie, then we all drive to my local barbers. When we get there I ask for my usual haircut, which is very short skin fade on the sides and slightly long on the top.

Once I was done we all went to get food, I took my medication so it's helping with any pain. As I'm eating I start thinking about Clara...then her beautiful smile. The way she looks at me with so much love, her long hair and beautiful grey eyes. Her body...well let's not get into that or else I'll hand up horny.

The most we have done since I came back is kiss, I've been in a lot of pain to go any further. But I've been healing quite well. "Do you ever just watch yourself dancing? Like when your home alone?" Lee says while staring at her drink. Fran looks at her confused.

"What are you talking about?" Fran asks, I stifle my laugh.

"Like sometimes I twerk and watch myself do's really fun"

We burst out laughing, "So weird you just said that!"

Lee looks up at us, "So who's killing Rachel and Mark?" I nearly choke on my drink as I look at her.

"I think it's better that they just get arrested" I say sternly.

"Listen if I were you, I'd kill Mark. Clara kill Rachel. It would be romantic! Thelma and Louise" Lee says with excitement.

Fran burst out laughing, "Romantic! How?!"

"Come on Tyyyy, you know you wanna do it" Lee winks.

We all leave the restaurant and make our way to the company. It's lunch time so it's perfect, I bough Clara hot wings, tacos with fries and a bottle of water. When we get there I see people looking at me, I guess the bruises and scars on my face haven't healed completely. I let out a sigh. "Ignore them, you look hot in sweats" Lee says with a wink. I laugh softly.

When we get upstairs I see Clara and Nat in her office, I knock on the door and she looks up. Her eyes go wide and she smiles. She walks to me, placing a kiss on my lips. It's soft and not too short. When we let go I look into the eyes I fell in love with again, "I got you some food" She looks down and smiles wider. She grabs the bag and runs to Nat. I laugh lightly at the two as they munch in.

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