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Clara's POV

Am I dreaming?

"No your not" My eyes go wide and I run to her, I hear her grunt. I immediately back off, tears running down my face as I look at her. Her body black and blue with bruises, her face filled with healed cuts and a black eye. Her hair is shaggy, her eyes tired. Patrick sits her down on the sofa, we all look at her in shock. She looks around and smiles. "How-how did you get here?" Patrick asks.

Honestly I'm finding it hard to speak.

"I've been monitoring the routine there, the people, the times. It took longer than I thought but I found the opportunity and took it. I got the keys from a guy I knocked out, he usually comes right after dinner. But for me to even get that far, I had to steal these" She lifts up scissors. "from the nurse that comes to help me heal. Cut myself out, knocked him out and took his keys and his gun" She holds her side and winces.

We're all silent as we listen to her, "I got out the house easily but then I had to get out the garden, I climbed a fence and then drove here. It took longer than expected but I'm here now" She says with a smile and then looks at me. Her eyes holding so much emotion, I grab her face and kiss her softly. The feeling of butterflies and electricity running through me, a feeling I've missed. "I love you"

"I love you too" I smile for the first time in a while and kiss her again. My heart bursting with warmth.

"How did they get me by the way? I was always confused on that part"

I lean back, "They knocked the guards out and climbed through the library window. The library is easily access, so that's how they did it. I, granddad and grandma were in the living room at the time...Ty I saw what they did to you" I feel my tears fall once again, my heart aching.

She just smiles lightly, "It's okay, I'm fine. I've got three broken ribs, but other than that I'm okay"

"Sorry dr who, but how'd you know you have broken ribs? Nurse lady tell you?" Tyler chuckles at Lee.

"I've missed all of you, even you Lee...But no. I know the human anatomy a bit too well, and my own body." She winks and then grabs my hand and kisses it. "You guys didn't uncover the list right?"

"No we didn't, too risky."

"Good. The names on their is powerful and dangerous. I'm happy you guys figured it out or Fran told you"

"You were so strong" I say to her as I look her in the eyes, I watch as they glisten and a single tear falls.

She sighs, "Everyday I had to focus on the task at hand. Which was to get out. Anytime I thought about you guys I felt something more painful than what they were doing to me, so I had to push everything aside. Sometimes I thought I'd die and never see you guys again..." I see Fran stand up and sit beside Tyler, she holds her gently and I hear her sobbing quietly. "Fran I love you and all but I'd love to go to the hospital too" Fran laughs and nods.

I stand up, "Wait!" I say and run upstairs. I go into Eli's room and surprised to see him awake. He smiles, a real smile. I pick him up and tasks him downstairs. Everyone turns to look at me including Tyler. When happens next makes my heart burst, Eli wiggles out of me and and runs to Ty.

"Daddy!" Ty pushes the pain away and picks Eli up. She hugs him tightly, I see the tears falling much more. She looks up at me and signals me to come to her. I almost break down as she pulls me into a hug, we're all back. A family, the three of us...WAIT!

I move away so I can see her face and smirk, she looks at me with confusion. "I'm pregnant" I watch as her face drops. I laugh softly and kiss her.

"YOURE PREGNANT!" I hear Lee shout in shock, "AND YOU DID TELL ME!"

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