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Tyler's POV

I got up quickly and grabbed the bat under the bed.

"Babe" I turn around, "so you're going to fight someone naked?" She looks at me amused, I look down to see she's right. I'm fully naked. I roll my eyes and put some shorts and a plain shirt on. Once I leave the room I check Eli's to see he is awake, staring at me once again.

"Stay put weirdo!" I tell him and surprisingly he kinda nods. Even when he can't form real words I tend to understand.

Lord help me.

I close his door and walk down the steps quietly. There's a smash, but it doesn't faze me. Finally downstairs, I can see someone in the distance running out of the window. I quickly put my shoes on and run! Like I've never ran before, bat in hand.

"Ayo dickhead!" I shout out and they speed up but little does he know I have been chased by dogs many times and I know how to outrun them...wait is that something to be proud of? Oh well.

The street lights are the only thing helping me see them, gaining up I grab their shirt and drag them to the floor. They're wearing a full black outfit with a black balaclava. I take it off and surprised to see who it is. Like what the fuck!


Clara's POV

When Tyler leaves, I get changed and go into Eli's room to see him awake. "Daddy just left to get something okay" He nods calmly. I call the police, Lee and Fran. Then start waiting patiently with Eli in my arm. The entire time he is silent, Tyler still hasn't come back and I'm getting scared.

The police finally come and I explain what happened, they look around the house to see it looks like someone was searching for something. Lee, Fran and Marco come after and try to see what's up. We're all sat in the living room waiting. All of a sudden, theres a cry. Eli starts crying uncontrollably, it's weird and I try to calm him down but he looks at me crying.

"What's going on?" Lee asks as she looks at my kid with shock.

Then one of the police dogs comes to were I sit and Eli stops crying slightly but then it comes back.

"Eli it's okay..." I stand up and try to calm him down but it's almost like it's worse. Then suddenly we hear a bang, the front door swings open then Tyler walking in, blood pouring out her side and an unconscious person on her shoulder. She drops them on the floor and leans against the wall, holding onto her side. The officers arrest the person on the floor then immediately calls an ambulance. Fran runs to her side and applies pressure. Eli stops crying, immediately just stops. Then looks at her.

Did he sense that daddy's hurt?

I give him to Lee and rush to Tyler, her eyes start to roll back but I stay calm and try to hold the pressure with Fran. "It's okay baby, you will be okay" I kiss her lightly and she smiles weakly. Finally the ambulance is here and takes Tyler away. I get a jacket and dress Elijah up, the four of us get into my car and drive to the hospital.

She can't be hurt. Not again. The car accident left Tyler with a broken rib that luckily didn't cut any major organs or arteries. But it still got her staying at home for a while.

Once at the hospital, we told the nurses and they just told us to sit and wait. And wait. AND FUCKING WAIT.

"Calm down...all we know is that she's in surgery. Just be patient" Lee tries to comfort, Eli hasn't slept since we got here. He has just been silent and holding his teddy.

"Some kids can sense bad things, like a gut feeling. Maybe that's why he started crying so much, but stopped when he saw his dad is back and out of danger" Fran says as she plays with Eli.

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