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Clara's POV

Even after the guys left Tyler has still been very quiet, I ran upstairs to check on Eli to see his still asleep. When I got back downstairs I poured myself some wine and made Tyler some tea. I walked back to the dining room to see her sitting there. I approach her and crouch, grabbing her face and placing a small kiss on her lips. She smiles slightly.

"I trust you. But next time text me if you're ever doing that again." She whispers.

"I will"

We just sat on the sofa for the rest of the night watching movies. Just being in her company is good enough. I can tell somethings on her mind but whenever I asked she just shrugged it off. It's getting late so we head upstairs and take a shower. After a while Tyler comes out and comes to bed. I straddle her and look into her eyes. I lean forward and capture her lips feeling the familiar butterflies erupt.

I can feel her member getting harder making me giggle slightly, I grind against it feeling a moan escape my lips, a groan escaping hers. I keep going then stop, she looks at me confused.

"Tell me what's on your mind?"

She sighs then sits up slightly but I don't move. Instead I grab a condom and take her member out, placing it on. I then slip it in me, I nearly moan at the feeling of her inside me. She moans then stares at me with shocked. "Speak."

"I have money. I'm not as rich as you but I have money. Mark's rich, handsome and you've been with him before...who says you won't end up with him. Fulfil his desire..." I look at her sternly then place my hands on her shoulders, I start riding her slowly.

"Mmm...I don't want him in me. I want you, all of you. Fuck." I moan loudly as I go slightly faster. She grips my waist, pumping her self in me.

"Fuck...but you never know" I stop and stare at her.

"I love you and only you. Isn't that enough?"

"I don't know...I'm just- it doesn't matter" I got off her lap and she soon gets out of bed. I just laid in bed, all hot and bothered.

I'm so going to get back at her.

I can't believe she feels that way. I'm finding it hard to sleep without her next to me, she still hasn't come back. I look to the side and see it's two a.m. so I just let my eyes fall and sleep.


Waking up alone isn't the best feeling, I felt cold and turned around to see an empty side. I sigh and sort myself out. After the bathroom I head to Eli's room but he isn't in there, I walk downstairs to see them both eating breakfast. Eli sat in his chair and Tyler standing and eating pancakes. She sees me and walks towards me with coffee and puts a plate of pancakes in-front of me, then places a long kiss. I look into her eyes and she smiles. It's like we are mentally talking to each other, she's telling me she's okay.

We all eat breakfast then get changed. As I get my bag I hear giggles. I turn around to see Tyler and Eli staring at me and smiling brightly. They are both dressed the same, both in a black shirt and blue jeans followed by black trainers. Ty puts his jacket on then her own and Eli walks towards me slowly.

"Twinning" She says excited, I pick up Eli and kiss his cheek then Tyler's and we all leave. Ty tends to dress causally on days she knows she won't be leaving the office or doing major meetings. As for I, I always have to dress formal, today I'm wearing a white blouse and skinny black trousers followed by my black heels. We all get into the car and make our way to the doctors, then work after. Eli's school still won't be open for the rest of the week so he will be in Tyler's office for half the day then mine.

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