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Clara's POV

She smirks and her lips capture mine once again. I feel all the energy immediately come back, I flip us over and bite her lip lightly. A moan escaping her. I was about to go further until I heard barking. I look at Tyler and she's mirroring me, confusion. We get up and get changed fast running to where the barking is.

It's Eli's room.

Before Tyler could even open the door I kicked it open to see Rocky barking at the window. A thud being heard outside. Elijah looks at us confused. Rocky keeps barking but Tyler picks him up and I get Eli. We walk downstairs and I hear a car skidding away outside. "Someone was here." Tyler mumbles.

"Let's check the security tapes"

We do that. We check them. And what we see is terrifying. It's someone climbing over the gate, they are with another person who gets the ladder and places it by Eli's window. Thank the lord that we closed his window. The individual climbs up the ladder and it looks to be they are struggling to open the window. After a couple seconds the person runs back down the ladder but falls half way. The friend drags them and they both leave. I'm guessing this is when I came in. I hear laughing behind me to see it's Tyler.

"What's funny?"

"I'm they fell. AHAHAHHAA"

I smack her arm, "Shut up"

We go back upstairs and take Elijah into our room. Rocky sits on the end of the bed, as Elijah is in between I and Ty. I give them both a kiss on their heads and tell them goodnight.

Tomorrow's going to be fun.


"Wake up"

What the fuck?!

"Wake up Clara"

Ugh leave me alone!


"WHO YOU CALLING LAZY?!" I sit straight up glaring at the dimwit. "JADE GET OUT!"

"NO" She sticks her tongue out and then jumps on my bed. I groan out of frustration and kick her, she falls onto the floor making me laugh. She gets back up glaring.

"Ty told us what happened, that video was funny as fuck!"

"What do you want?! And whose us?! What time is it?!"

"We have news. Us being I, Bailey, Amber and Mellie. And the time is twelve am"

"Damn it's late"

"Just get changed and come downstairs...also you class that as late? It's super early sis" She jumps off my bed and runs away.


I go into the bathroom and take a shower, then get changed into something for work. As I'm done I walk downstairs to see more people. Lee, Francesca and Natalie. "I didn't know my house has become a shelter for stray dogs" I say with a bored face.

"Who you calling a stray dog? I'm more of a stray cat" Lee says with a wink. I roll my eyes and join them. We all talk about what last night and what it could be about. "Clearly they wanted to kidnap wolverine here, but by the sounds of it, Clara's ninja skills scared them"

"Yeah, it did but now it's going to scare my bank account. Going to have to buy a new door for his room" Tyler says as she approaches me from behind.

"TJ. With the money you have, I'm sure you can afford it" Fran says as she smacks Tyler's back.

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