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Tyler's POV

It's just I and Eli at home. The past month has been weirdly good. Clara got out of hospital a week after giving birth and has been at home since. I've been trying to convince her to stay home but she keeps ending up back in the office.

Right now I and Eli are staring at each other. Clara's aunty came over and has been helping out.

"I thought you were joking when you said he doesn't do much" Morticia says as she looks at us confused.

Eli seriously doesn't do anything, like he doesn't cry. He's cried twice since we got home from the hospital and other than that he would just do his own thing. He has started to smile a lot but other than that he just chills.

"Even Clara as a baby was annoying. I had to babysit her and she cried a lot. Maybe give him a couple months" She says.

I nod and turn, looking back at my weird kid.

"So little man...are you hungry?" He turns around and stares at me. For some reason I take that as a yes and go grab his bottle. I pick him up and start feeding him, he then falls asleep half way through.

Oh there's another thing, this kid has been sleeping like an Angel. Honestly I'm a bit scared, I've babysat babies before and they don't act like how he does.

"Are you sure there isn't someone just like him?" I say as I settle him down in his crib.

"I guess he's acting a lot like Bailey. Bailey was a quiet baby but not until she was around six months. Before then she was our worst nightmare." I laugh slightly and we walk out the room going downstairs.

We cleaned up and got dinner ready, I kept checking the baby monitor seeing nothing but Eli sound asleep making me smile. Then I hear the front door. In comes Lee and Fran. "Do you guys live here now? Am I missing something?" I glare at the two as they laugh.

"If I lived here, you'd love it. I'd be like the kid you always wanted"

"Yeah. Wanted to give to an orphanage" Fran mumbles. I and Morticia burst out laughing as Lee glared.

"Well I'd be a dream at the orphanage"

"You'd be a nightmare." Fran says and then walks upstairs.

"Why are you guys here anyway?" I ask Lee, she signals upstairs and I nod as she runs up. "STOP MAKING SO MUCH NOISE!"


"LEE I SWEAR ILL KILL YOU!" I hear foot steps coming down the stairs and Lee pokes her head.

"I don't think Professor X cares if we are loud or not!"

"Stop calling my kid Professor X!"

"I may just kick the both of you out. You can go sleep at Frans tonight if you keep it up" Clara says, glaring at me.

"What you doing here!" Lee asks and Clara rolls her eyes then smacks her head. Lee rubs it then walks upstairs grumbling.

"You two seriously have three kids at this point. Lee being the little shit." Morticia shakes her head then bids her goodbyes. We call the other two downstairs and all have dinner. They tend to come over a lot to see the baby. While eating I keep watching the monitor. Then I hear a cry, both I and Clara look at each other surprised. I get up and run upstairs to see that he has stopped crying and staring at me.

"You're so weird kid" I pick him up and walk downstairs. The others turn around looking at me with amusement, Clara staring with love. "As soon as I got up there he stopped crying and just stared." I shook my head and pass him to Clara, she immediately kisses him and he smiles.

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