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Clara's POV

"Don't piss me off"

Punch her?

"You already seem pissed"

May just kick her.

"No shit"

Or punch her?

"Personally I don't like that type of aggression"

Stab her? Yeah that!

"Is our friendship really worth it? Hmmmm-"

Murder my best friend?

"HEY HEY HEY! I'm joking! I'll be good"

I take it back. She's too funny to kill.

I burst out laughing, "Lee what do you want?"

"Wanted to ask if you want to go clubbing this weekend? Tyler said she'll come."

"I'd have to see"

"So that's a yes! Okay see youuu" And she runs out the room. I shake my head laughing softly. As I continue with my work, I send the remaining stuff off and decide to visit Tyler. I'm pretty bored today as I ended up completely all my work plus the ones not due yet last week. I won't be having a lot of major work for the next couple of days so I need to make myself occupied. I and Tyler haven't had sex since we found out. I just didn't feel ready at the time. I still feel hurt and scared but much better than before.

My employees don't need to know that though, they've been doing way more work since I've been stricter. It's funny really. As I leave my office I see Nats desk empty, Lee must have stolen her away. I get my phone out and call the idiot. "Hello this is the best human in the world"

"Next time you're going to steal Nat, let me know!"

"She came with her own free will"

"Sure she did. Just let me know next time, before she leaves with you"

"I didn't mean that kind of came"

"Eww" I end the phone and make my way to Tyler's floor. When I get there I walk slowly, looking around. Being the boss means I have to check things are in order. I think I've done well as one, everything seems to be good. I walk to Tyler's office and see Ava. They are both talking with serious looks on their faces, I listen closely to see it's only work related. I sigh and walk inside. They both look at me with smiles.



We give each other genuine smiles and I sit beside her. "Are you guys doing anything fun? Because I'm bored out my mind?"

Ava laughs, "I've never met a boss who is bored? Aren't you busy?"

"Nope, she completed all her work already. Let me guess, you're work free for a couple days?" Tyler says with a smirk, I nod in response. "Well I and Ava have basically finished. Want to leave early?" I smile widely and nod.

We say our goodbyes to Ava and leave Tylers office after a while. I'm used to the staring, I'm guessing people are still not used to us together. As we walk together, I can't help but smile a little. Tyler nudges me a little, "You look like you have rainbows coming out your arse. Biggest smile I've seen you have"

"Oh shut up" We laugh and leave the building, we get in the car and make our way home. When we get home I take my shoes off and run upstairs. I use the toilet and run back downstairs. Tyler has her blazer off and is making herself a drink. I grab an apple and feel hands on my waist. "Soo what you feeling?"

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