Chapter 2 (He's here)

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\Art is not mine/

The assassin's from night raid had woken up early in the morning when Lubbock said that someone was closing in on the base.

Najenda:"Why would there be only one person trying to find us?"

Leone:"It could be that Tatsumi that saved Akame last night."

Lubbock:"Okay i'm just saying. WHO EVER IT IS THERE CLOSING IN AND FAST!"

Leone:"Okay don't get you boxer's in a bunch we'll stop him before he get's here."

???????:"I'm already here."

Mine wasted no time before firing a shot from Pumpkin but the blast was cut out of the air.

???????:"Don't you know it's rude to shot at new friend's?"

The masked stranger removed his mask and revealed who it was.

The masked stranger removed his mask and revealed who it was

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Tatsumi:"Hey Lubba how's it going?"

Lubbock:"Yoo it's been to long dude. How the hell are you?"

Tatsumi:"I'm pretty good. Hey question are y'all following what i said and keeping that girl off her feet so she can recover?"

Najenda:"Yeah we are but i have no idea who you are so an explanation is very much needed."

Tatsumi:"Well in short i'm a killer that strike's down dude's from the capital and that's who i am in a nutshell."

Akame had woken up from the commotion and she was very glad she did.

Akame:(Senpai he came all the way here just to join us just you wait you'll be all mine soon enough no matter who i have to kill)

Najenda:"What kind of sword is that?"

Najenda:"What kind of sword is that?"

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Tatsumi:"This is my Murasama blade."

The boy drew the blade from the scabbard.

Mine:"That just make's you seem like a ninja

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Mine:"That just make's you seem like a ninja."

Akame:(You bitch don't you dare insult my senpai or i'll cut you're finger's off.)

Tatsumi saw the girl he had saved the night before.

Tatsumi:"Hey there you doing any better from last night?"

Akame:"Yeah i'm doing fine."

Najenda:"So you and Lubbock are friend's?"

Tatsumi:"His family adopted me since my village was burnt down by the empire but once he joined the army i desided to start my own journey and kill off these empirian fuck's."

Akame:(Tatsumi senpai i'll make you forget all about you're past and make you happer than you've ever been.)

Mine:"So you kill for vengence?"

Tatsumi:"Yeah pretty much."

Najenda:"How long have you been killing people from the empire?"

Tatsumi:"About a year and a half maybe more i lost track of the exact amount of people i've killed after number six hundred forty nine."

After being introdused to everyone Tatsumi had been given his own room to get settled down in he had mounted his blade up and set up his own base to track down there target's.

Akame made sure she had an extra key to gain access to Tatsumi's room when he locked the door noone had a clue why she would need access to his room but noone bothered to question it.

Leone:(What is going through you're head Akame are you okay?)

Tatsumi had come out of his room from redesigning and getting comfortable in his new room.

Tatsumi:"Okay finished that."

Akame:"If there is anything you'd like to know come find me i'll gladly tell you anything about my teammate's."


Leone:(I've never seen Akame be so friendly toward's anyone regardless of if they helped her or not why is this time different?)

Leone was questioning her self the whole day wondering why she was so kind toward's this boy and noone else.

Najenda:"So you said you're village was burnt down what's you're story?"

Tatsumi:"Well i'll tell you what i can remember."

[That's all for today i'll see y'all later bye.]

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