Chapter 30 (Happy Ending

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\Art is not mine/

Akame's P.O.V

It's been over three year's since Tatsumi-Kun killed saved the empire from it's emperor and we had gotten married afterward and i had also giving birth to our babbie's two healthy twin girl's. Leone named one of them Mizuki after Tatsumi's mother and i named the other one Corey after my late friend Cornelia.

I never thought i could be this happy.

Tatsumi:"Okay i'm going hunting i'll be back in about thirty minute's maybe an hour if i'm unlucky."

Before my husband left he was stoped by our two girl's.

Mizuki:"Where's daddy going?"

Tatsumi:"I'm going hunting kiddo."


Tatsumi:"It's how we get meat's."

He hugged our girl's and went hunting like he does when we need meat.

Mizuki:"Hey mommy what's this?"

She asked me handing me a picture.

Akame:"Oh that's me and you're father's wedding picture that's why we ware ring's it's to show that we're together till the end

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Akame:"Oh that's me and you're father's wedding picture that's why we ware ring's it's to show that we're together till the end."

Corey:"Whoa mommy's dress is so pretty."

Mizuki:"Why didn't we see it?"

Akame:"You weren't born yet that's why i had a bump on my tummy."

Corey:"So we were in mommy's tummy?"

Akame:"Yeah all babbie's start off in there mommy's tummy's."

Mizuki:"Hey mommy what's that light in the closet?"

I looked toward's the closet and there was a red shine coming from the crack of the door my children were scared but i knew what it was.

Akame:"It's okay."

I opened the door so the could see what it was.

Akame:"It's just you daddy's old sword he used it when he was a soldier fighting off the bad people

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Akame:"It's just you daddy's old sword he used it when he was a soldier fighting off the bad people."

Corey:"Daddy was a superhero!?"

Akame:"Kinda it's hard to explain but in a way."

Mizuki:"Why is it red?"

I had to think of a lie and fast.

Akame:"It was made from a special red steel so it could cut through anything."

Corey:"Whoa that so cool."

Mizuki:"Why doesn't he have it anymore?"

Akame:"Well i'm not sure he might not wanna remember the fighting he was in."

That moment the door opened and i knew who it was when i saw that familiar blond hair.

Leone:"There's my two favorite niece's."

Akame:"Leone could you stop breaking into my house you broke in last night and fell asleep on my couch."

Leone:"Sorry. Where's Tatsumi?"

Akame:"He went out hunting were running low on meat."

Leone:"Okay. So you two ready for a day of fun with auntie Leone?"


Akame:"Don't stay out to late okay."

Mizuki+Corey:"Okay mommy!"

Leone:"I'll have them back before dinner. See ya!"

Akame:"I'll see you then."

Now i was alone for the next twenty minute's until Tatsumi-Kun came home. So i just went out to the back yard and relaxed for the rest of the time thinking to myself.

Akame:(My life couldn't get any better than this.)

[In the end Tatsumi never found out how many women Akame had killed for his love. Hope everyone enjoyed this story i'll be seeing y'all next story bye.]

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