Chapter 18 (His past)

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\Art is not mine/

Lubbock's P.O.V

Me and Akame had been trying to get Tatsumi to open up about anything that happened in his past after he started his life as a vigilante and after an hour we got him to talk.

Tatsumi:"Fine if you wanna know that badly i'll tell you two."

Akame:"Were you're friend's we'll keep it a secret if that's what you want."

Tatsumi:"Then strap in it's gonna be a hell of a ride."

Tatsumi's Past P.O.V

I had been a vigilante for just under a year i had been sixteen at the time i'd be lying if i said every mission went off without a hitch in fact just about half of my kill's involved having to kill people who weren't my target's but then came that mission were i had to track down that blond bitch Dorothea and her little friend Suzuka.

Tatsumi:"Where are those two if i can't kill two people that have very little training then what the fuck kind of vigilante am i? A garbage on at that."

At that time i had been wanted but i was called by a different name i was called "The devil's bounty hunter" mainly cause i often strangled people with chain's that i set on fire so that's where that name came from and the mark's on my hand's.

Tatsumi:"I swear to god i'm gonna cut there skin off and make them into a new jacket when i'm done with them!"

Suddenly i felt a painful feeling in the side of my neak i got bittin.

Tatsumi:"Gahh you dirty bitch!"

I grabed her by the hair and threw her as far as i could at that time.

Dorothea:"Such pure blood so delicious and arousing."

Tatsumi:"What the fuck kind of freaky blood fetish do you have?!"

Suzuka:"That's not nice to scream at you new mistress' if you listen and come with us peacefully we won't have to hurt you."

Tatsumi:"I am not becoming a toy for you're pleasure you bitches."

Dorothea:"So much for a peaceful walk look's like we have to take him by force."

I jumped into the air and tried to slash into one of them but i missed quite badly then i felt a chop toward's the back of my neak then everything went black.

I woke up what felt like day's later but was truly only a few hour's i saw that i was chained up and locked in a cell like an animal in a cage i was pissed off like you couldn't beleive.

Dorothea:"Well our new toy is awake. Did you sleep well?"

Tatsumi:"Fuck you bitch."

Suzuka:"I think he's a little hesitinte to have a little fun maybe he need's a little 'motivation'."

After that was said they removed there top's letting there breast fall out.

Tatsumi:(Oh fuck this dude. I have to get my sword and get ouy of here fast.)

My thought's were cut short when they knelt down next to me and started touching me.

Suzuka:"Such a handsome face to bad you want us all dead but you're our's know we already spoke with Esdeath she doesn't care as long as you're never let out."

Dorothea:"So from know on you belong to us and only us *Giggle*."

Suzuka looked down at my jean's and saw what she wanted.

Suzuka:"Look's like the 'Motivation' worked now let's have some fun shall we."

Tatsumi:"Don't touch me!"

Dorothea:"Or what? You don't have you're sword so we'll have our way with you darling just close you're eye's and enjoy what we give you."

After several hour's they finally passed out they were finally done with me it amazed me that they actually fell asleep. But the saliva driping from there mouth's gave me the chance to slip out of the cuff's i took the chance and ran i grabed my sword and dove out a window.

But since that day i've felt powerless against those two after they raped me they took my power away i can't gain the courage to look for them again in fear that the same thing will happen as the last time.

Presant Tatsumi P.O.V

Tatsumi:"And that's what happened."

Akame had a look of shock on her face and Lubbock balled up his fist.

Lubbock:"When i get my hand's on them i'll split them in two!"

I've never seen Lubba this pissed off even when he worked for the army he never lost his temper like that he mean't what he said i knew then Lubba wanted to kill those two but little did i know that would be handled be morning.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter and i'll see y'all later bye]

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