Chapter 17 (Deal of a lifetime)

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\Art is not mine/

Run's P.O.V

I've been planning this for month's the death of that monster of a man Champ, but i'll need help from someone how has more experience in killing than i do i need someone just as bad as Satoshi or as he was known among the empire's army Jack the ripper.

Maybe his grandson is still here hopefully he hasn't left and finished his mission. I started searching the capital the entire night until i found him my godson Tatsumi the hunter.

 I started searching the capital the entire night until i found him my godson Tatsumi the hunter

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Tatsumi:"You've got some gut's coming out here looking for me."

Run:"I've come here to make you a deal you can't resist i want you to help me kill one of wild hunt's people his name is Champ."

Tatsumi:"Bold of you to assume i haven't been tracking him down this evening. I'll help but my identity stay's a secret got it."

Run:"Got it i'll lure him to an empty cottage that's where you'll be we ambush him and kill him."

Tatsumi:"How about we torture and mame him first give him what he deserve's."

Run:"That will work."

Run:"Well grandson of the ripper are you ready?"

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Run:"Well grandson of the ripper are you ready?"

Tatsumi:"Hell yeah."

I tracked down Champ and he was speaking to a family wait i know who they are that's Bols' family his wife Kije and his daughter Louge i have to act fast.

Run:"Good evening Champ."

Champ:"It really is isn't it. Did you need something?"

Run:"I just came to tell you there's a cottage full of cute kid's that wish to see a clown and you fit the bill perfectly."

Champ:"Then lead the way."

We started toward's the cottage little did he know this would be his end.

Tatsumi's P.O.V

I waited for fifteen minute's for Run to bring Champ in so we could kill that clown bastard i equiped the Incursio armor that i've been training with alot.

I waited for fifteen minute's for Run to bring Champ in so we could kill that clown bastard i equiped the Incursio armor that i've been training with alot

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Tatsumi:(Wait for it. Wait for it.)


Once i saw Champ i lunged at him punching him square in the face sending him to the ground.

Champ:"What the hell!?"

Run:"Any last word's before we send you off to hell monster?"

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Run:"Any last word's before we send you off to hell monster?"

Champ:"General Bulat? You loss weight?"

Tatsumi:"I'm the grandson of the ripper asshole."

Champ:"No matter i'll kill you both!"

Kije P.O.V

Me and my daughter followed that blond man in secret and saw him and. General Bulat? They were fighting that clown that attacked me and my baby girl they ment buessness the armored man tore off on of the clown's leg's i covered my daughter's eye's so she wouldn't see the performance i also covered her ear's since i thought they would use profanity and i was right.

Tatsumi:"Fucking bitch ass clown freak!"

Kije:(That can't be Bulat his language wasn't that "Colorful" when he was part of the army who is that?)

Narrator's P.O.V

Champ threw a fire ball at Run but he had caught it and threw it back at him burning him down to the skeleton.

Tatsumi:"That's how the fuck it's done."

Tatsumi removed his helmet revealling his young handsome face.

Kije's P.O.V

After the young man removed Incursio's helm my suspision's were confirmed it wasn't Bulat but that boy looked so familiar i couldn't shake the feeling i knew who that was.

Kije:"H-Hello young men."

I approached the two men slightly scarred knowing full well i could be killed by these two.

Run:"My deepest apolagies if you're daughter saw that but this monster had what was coming to him."

Tatsumi:"He was nothing but a child killer people like him deserve nothing but to die that's why we attacked him now he burning in hell."

Louge:"He was a bad guy?"

Run:"Very much young one but he can't harm you he's gone forever now."

Kije:"Thank you both for keeping the empire a little safer for everyone here."

Tatsumi:"It's my mission to terminate all threat's to human life even if i have to destroy other human being's regardless of there life choises they cross my path the get the horn's."

Kije:"What's you're name young man?"

Tatsumi:"I'd rather keep that secret for now but i'll tell you this 'The ripper's blood line didn't end with Satoshi'."

Narrator's P.O.V

Tatsumi kicked up his helmet placed it on and leaped away heading back to base that's when he heard Akame moan his name before heading to bed not wanting her to this he was just some perv.

[Hope everyone enjoyed so this chapter come's before the last one but i though it would fit in here better but regardless i'll see y'all next time bye]

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