Chapter 13 (Return to the village)

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\Art is not mine/

Akame got her stuff ready since her and Tatsumi were going back to Tatsumi's old burnt down village to find the answer's on how his father got the Murasama.

The boss knew where they were gonna be so she didn't worry. On the other hand Tatsumi was hoping that noone was left in the village but he knew that was just wishful thinking.

Akame:"Are we ready Tatsumi?"

Tatsumi:"There's no point in waiting for it to come to us let's get going."

Akame:"Right behind you."

The duo started to the village both knowing that it was likely that the village would be full of empirian soldier's and possablly the yeager's if they were unlucky but they were ready to kill if it came down to it.

After two hour's they finally made it to the burnt down remain's of the village and to there surprise not many people were there a couple soldier's no more than nine and one of the yeager's but they weren't sure who it was.

Akame:"How do we approach this?"

Tatsumi:"There aren't many so we should try to sneak pass without being seen but if we have to we kill them."

Akame:"Roger that."

Tatsumi:"We need to get to my old house down there at the very back once were there we should find out how my dad got a hold of this blade."

Akame:"Okay i'm ready."

Tatsumi:"Then let's get moving who know's what they have in mind for us if were found."

Akame:(Just wait a little longer Akame you'll have you're senpai soon just keep calm and wait.)

The two started moving swiftly. If there was any enemies they were killed quickly. They heard the voice of a girl in her teen's speaking so they halted and listened.

??????:"This hunter kid isn't that bad all we need to do is just slash his throat and he's dead i could keep him as a puppet like my buddy Natala over here once we do that Night Raid won't stand a chance."

Akame now branded a look of shock on her face when she saw who it was.


Tatsumi:"I can assume she's you're sister."


Kurome:"Hah this will be the most fun i've ever had maybe i can kill sis as well that would be the best

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Kurome:"Hah this will be the most fun i've ever had maybe i can kill sis as well that would be the best."

Akame:"I have to eliminate her."

Akame and Tatsumi leaped out of the shadow's and attacked Kurome trying to kill her before she could catch wind of there present's but they missed

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Akame and Tatsumi leaped out of the shadow's and attacked Kurome trying to kill her before she could catch wind of there present's but they missed.

Akame and Tatsumi leaped out of the shadow's and attacked Kurome trying to kill her before she could catch wind of there present's but they missed

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Kurome:"Nice try sis but you'll have to try harder than that to kill me. Oh and would you look at that the feared hunter came with her how ironic two psychotic killer's join forces to fight us off."

Tatsumi wore a enraged look on his face.

Tatsumi:"Shut you're damn mouth before i shut it for you

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Tatsumi:"Shut you're damn mouth before i shut it for you."

Kurome:"That's no way to talk to you're new master."

Tatsumi:"I'm gonna shove my kitana up you're fucking ass."

Kurome:"Tempting but i'll pass on the offer for now."

Akame:"Enough of these game's Kurome you've caused so many to suffer i have to kill you."

Kurome:"I'd like to see you try."

Kurome raised her sword into the air to summon more puppet's but Tatsumi slashed the blade out of her hand she picked it up but she saw Natala wasn't there anymore.

Kurome:"What the hell?"

Tatsumi:"You out of all people should know what the Murasama can do i just shut down you're teigu so it's been redused to nothing more than a plain kitana but i'll give you a chance to run for you're life before we skin you alive."

Kurome:"Puppet's or no puppet's i'll still kill you both!"

Akame and Tatsumi attacked Kurome and left her no chance for survival so she had ran off as fast as possible.


Tatsumi grabed her shoulder.

Tatsumi:"Leave her we'll find her later but for now we have more emportant thing's to attend to."

The duo started toward's the house and went to the basement and found the chest that the Murasama was in they grabed Tatsumi's father's diary his mother's diary and a smaller box before they started back to base.

Akame:"Hey Tatsumi?"


Akame:"Do you think the women of the empire are after you for more than to kill you?"

Tatsumi:"Well alot of the people in the empire's army are like that so it wouldn't surprise me to be honest but i ain't letting my self get taken as a toy for them i'll fight till my last breath."

Akame:"If it ever come's down to it i'll be there to save you as a way to repay you for saving my life from Zanku."

Tatsumi:"Let's just hope i don't have to cash that in."

The two continued back to base.

[Hope everyone enjoyed see y'all later bye]

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