Chapter 9 (Bonding with a Yandere)

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\Art is not mine/

Tatsumi had been awoken by the sound of the boss knocking on his bedroom door.

Najenda:"Tatsumi the rest of us are headed out for this mission you and Akame will stay behind and protect the base got it."

Tatsumi:"Loud and clear boss we'll see you later tonight."

Najenda:"Okay see you two later."

Akame had still been sleeping and had clung to him and pulled him down it was a little more clear to him now that she had some kind of care for him but he wasn't sure what it was.

Tatsumi:"Hey Akame it's time to get up."

Tatsumi was poking her side she was shaking and mumbling.

Akame:"No--Five more minute's."

Tatsumi:"Well since were gonna be alone today i guess we can sleep a little while longer."

Tatsumi laid back down pulled her closer and went back to sleep for another forty five minute's.

Akame:(So today were gonna be all alone for the whole day *Yandere giggle* this will give me the chance to bring him in even more and claim him as mine.)

Akame nuzzled her head into his chest for the last couple minute's of there sleep.

After they finally woke up they looked around for some to do for the day.

Akame:"Wanna play card's?"

Tatsumi:"I guess we could try."

The two had been trying to play card's but nether of them had any idea what they were doing.

Tatsumi:"I'm looking through the manual but i'm not getting anything."

Akame:"Me nether. Wanna play something else?"

Tatsumi:"You read my mind."

Akame:"How about truth or dare?"

Tatsumi:"Sure i guess."

Akame:"What do you choose?"


Akame:"Hm how many girlfriend's have you had."

Tatsumi:"None noone like's me."

Tatsumi said while laughing.

Akame:"Okay my turn i choose truth."

Tatsumi:"Okay how many time's have you scratched the bosses door and blamed Leone?"

Akame:"More time's than i'd like to admit to which is around twenty time's."

The two started laughing to Akame's answer.

Tatsumi:"Okay i choose truth."

Akame:"Hmm. Have you done anything that you regret?"

Tatsumi:"Working at a retirement home. Those old people were a pain in my fucking ass."

Akame:"Alright i choose dare."


Tatsumi had a grin on his face as he looked around and saw a metal poll against the closet.

Tatsumi:"Try it."

Akame:"This isn't the first time i've poll danced in front of my team first time doing it infront of a boy but there's no point crying over it i chose the dare it could have been much worse."

Akame stood up grabed the poll and started her dance as she continued Tatsumi was whistling finding it hot.

Tatsumi:"Alright it's time for a dare."

Akame:"Okay i dare you to poll dance."

Tatsumi:"You're on."

Tatsumi grabed the poll and danced to Akame's surprise a lot better than she did but she also found it funny as hell as she was laughing her ass off.

Akame:"Oh my god *Laughter* You're dancing better than i can! Are you sure you aren't a poll dancer?"

Tatsumi:"I'm sure."

After several hour's of dare's that were the stuff of comedy manga's they desided to stop and began talking about there live's it turned out before becoming an assassin she was a street performer that did dangerous thing's like juggling knive's and balancing blade's on the tip's of her finger's and it had turned out she hadn't had her first kiss.

Akame:"So i was wondering if. You'd be my first kiss?"

Tatsumi:"If it's what you want the i guess."

Tatsumi didn't quite see this as romantic but just helping her out with this weight on her shoulder's but Akame saw it as slowly securing her senpai a little more.

They had kissed for a little more than a moment before they broke it of.

Akame:"Thank you Tatsumi now Mine will shut her mouth about it."

Tatsumi:"Anytime Akame."

Akame:(Oh senpai you have no idea that slowly i'm taking you as my own noone will be able to take you from me. *Yandere giggle*)

[Hope everyone enjoyed see y'all later bye]

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