Chapter 21 (New rival?)

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\Art is not mine/

Narrator's P.O.V

Tatsumi reluctently woke up the morning after his closest friend Lubbock had been killed still really angry at himself for his death.

Tatsumi:"Damn it why did he have to die now i'm alone god fucking damnit the last guy here and i don't think Akame or the other girl's could understand."

Tatsumi's P.O.V

I saw a letter on my desk from my close friend Lubba so i grabed it.

To Tatsumi

Hey bud if you're reading this then my suspision's were true and i'm dead but i don't want you to blame yourself i just want you to know that you really were the greatest brother i could ever have, my other sibiling's were blinded by riches but you and me wanted to make the empire a better place. There's a safe in my room i want you to open about forty eight hour's after my death the pass code is.

Sincerely Lubbock

I almost broke down crying but i held back the tear's but what was in that safe i had to respect his last request and wait for tomorrow to open it but today there was gonna be some new recrute's so i guess something good came out of our struggle's.

Akame's P.O.V

I could only hope meeting new people would chear up senpai but i can only hope that none of them want my senpai or else.

Akame:(If senpai need's any type of sexual need's to be releaved i'll help him with that it does releave stress i think. Maybe i'm just thinking of excuses to do that with him i can't pull stupid stunt's like that if i do i'll lose him i have to secure him first and then we can do that.)

I saw senpai looking at a note with a confused look on his face i followed him in secret and i heard him questioning something.

Tatsumi:" What does that mean?"

Akame:(That must be the code to Lubbock's safe what's in it probably adult manga's so what do i care maybe we can share those. *Pervy giggle*)

After we went out side we meet the new member's.

???????:"Good morning my name is Chelsea nice to meet you."

???????:"And i am speed of lightning Susanoo i am Najenda's teigu

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???????:"And i am speed of lightning Susanoo i am Najenda's teigu."

Akame:(Now that man has less emotion then i show and that's saying something but hopefully they can help fill the void in Tatsumi's heart that Bulat and Lubbock's death's left him

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Akame:(Now that man has less emotion then i show and that's saying something but hopefully they can help fill the void in Tatsumi's heart that Bulat and Lubbock's death's left him.)

I saw the new girl eyeing Sheele.

Chelsea:"Damn she's got a nice ass."

Tatsumi:"Keep you're thought's to yourself cause saying that could end badly especally with Sheele one wrong comment she'll kill ya."

Chelsea:"Well when you see a nice booty you're gonna look and say it."

Sheele:"One more word out of you i'll end you!"


Akame:(Am i the only girl here who like's boy's anymore jeez.)

Chelsea:"Well you're quite a cutie yourself what's you're name?"

Akame:(I had to open my mouth regardless one wrong move she die's i'll cut her breast off and feed them to her. Damn whore!)

Susanoo:"I can assume you're the holder of the Murasama."

Tatsumi:"How'd you know that!?"

Susanoo:"I can sense the ripper's present's in you're blood you're related to him so it make's the most since that you would have a hold of the blade he held since his last of kin refused to hold it."

Tatsumi:"Okay totally not creepy stalker like defenantly not creepy in any way."

I can tell senpai's being sarcastic but that is kinda creepy how the hell did he know that is he a walking D.N.A test eh what do i know about walking human looking Teigu's.

Akame:(As long as she stay's away from my Tatsumi-Kun we'll be on good ground's but if not oh well that'll just be another body in the dirt.)

I walked back into the base i saw senpai looking at that paper again repeating that code in silence.

Tatsumi:" Such a weard code but what does it mean?"

Hopefully it isn't anything that could harm senpai.

[Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter that code that is in the chapter is just a F.N.A.F 3 reference the code for a mini game but i'll see y'all next chapter bye]

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