Chapter 12 (Truth of the blade)

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\Art is not mine/

Akame had woken up holding her Tatsumi plushy as normal she had gotten up since she told Tatsumi that she was going to tell him the truth about the Murasama and what it was.

Tatsumi:"Morning Akame-Chan. Did you sleep well last night?"

Akame:"I slept well thank you for asking.":(He called me "Akame-Chan" he must like me! *Yandere giggle*)

Najenda:"There isn't much to do today so it's more of a break than anything Lubbock and Mine went to get food for later Sheele and Leone i have no idea where they went."

Akame:"You probably don't want to know."

Tatsumi:"Anyway breakfast is ready."

The three ate there breakfast and Tatsumi went out to the training yard and started practicing his swordsmenship knowing that now more than ever it's gonna matter since they had lost Bulat in the battle against the three beast.


Tatsumi:"Oh hey Akame-Chan i didn't notice you there. What's up?"

Akame:"Remember i told you last night that i would tell you the truth about the Murasama?"

Tatsumi:"Yeah i guess."

Akame:"Strap in it's gonna be a bumpy ride."

Tatsumi:(What's she mean by that?)

Akame:"That blade."

Akame:"The Murasama was the blade that was held by the infamous empirian officer 'Jack the ripper' the blade was designd to be compatible with any of the forty eight Teigu's but it was also made to disable them the red switch on the back of the hi...

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Akame:"The Murasama was the blade that was held by the infamous empirian officer 'Jack the ripper' the blade was designd to be compatible with any of the forty eight Teigu's but it was also made to disable them the red switch on the back of the hilt actvate's it's ability to shut down Teigu's."

Tatsumi:(What the hell then how did my dad get a hold of it?)

Akame:"The red button on the side of the hilt is used to actvate 'The ripper status' it make's Jack's soul possess the user and make the user kill anything in there line of sight."

Tatsumi:(Dad how the hell did you get a hold of this damn thing unless.)

Akame:"Jack's reign of terror over the capital didn't stop until Ibara betreyed him he lead Jack on a wild goose chase that ended in Jack being killed by Mez then they took the blade and burried it likely to prevent anyone else from finding it."

Tatsumi:"Then how the hell could my dad have gotten a hold of this thing?"

Akame:"It's likely that Jack's soul saw him in the area where his blade was burried and told him were it was and had him dig it up."

Tatsumi:"Okay my life wasn't normal ro start off with but now it's gotten even more weard some sword that was held by a psychotic soldier that was double crossed and they burried his blade what the hell is going on?"

Akame:"It can only be fate that you hold the blade Jack doesn't choose just anyone to hold the Murasama only those who have the strongest willpower can hold the blade without going insane from grabing it."

Tatsumi:"Okay now i'm scared of my own sword. Why though why would that psychotic bastard choose me as the one to hold his blade?"

Akame:"I guess you could be just as powerful as he was."

Tatsumi:(Okay now i have more question's. But does she even know the answer's?)

Akame:"You look confused. Are you alright?"

Tatsumi:"I'm fine but know i need answer's tomorrow i'm going back to my village's ruin's and looking in that basement where i found this thing that's the only place that i can think of that has the answer's to the question's i have."

Akame:"I'll go with you there could be empirian soldier's there waiting for you."

Tatsumi:"Anything is possible so it's probably best if you tag along."

Akame:"I'll inform boss about our plan's for tomorrow."

Tatsumi:"Okay you do that i'll get the suplize for the trip."

Akame started walking into the base and thought to herself.

Akame:(Tomorrow me and senpai will be all alone the possablity's are endless it will be just me and my senpai. *Yandere Giggle*)

[Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter i'll see y'all later bye]

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