Chapter 26 (Vengence)

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\Art is not mine/

Tatsumi's P.O.V

I woke up after an hour with my head on my now lover's breast still even though we were in the middle of a war i could only hope last night ended in her getting pregnant i always wanted a family even though it would be hard it would all be worth it.

I got dressed and kissed Akame on the lip's and walked out of the room and got the mission of a lifetime.

Najenda:"Morning you two today i caught wind that the empire attacked one of our army's checkpoint's. We need to stop the and fast got it?"

All:"Roger that!"

I had a feeling today i would be making a choise to to let someone live or die i didn't know what to choose but i'd figure that out later.

We found the reason for our checkpoint's being destroyed and saw him. The bastard that made my life hell. The man who burned down my village. Bols i'll kill him.

I grabed my Murasama and the key to Incursio

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I grabed my Murasama and the key to Incursio.

I grabed my Murasama and the key to Incursio

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Tatsumi:(All right it's time.)

I placed the key into the ground and called out.


Yeager's:"What the!"

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Yeager's:"What the!"

Tatsumi:"Vengence will be mine!"

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Tatsumi:"Vengence will be mine!"

I attacked Bols ready to kill him right then i let my anger get the best of me i was enslaved to my own demon's.

Bols:"What are you!?"

Tatsumi:"The living rage of the innocent people you've killed with that flamethrower of your's remember the village in the south all those people dead and for what? That blue haired woman's sick pleaure!?"

Bols:"What's it matter to you anyway?"


Akame's P.O.V

Once i saw Kurome i engaged in combat with her i intended to take her life and end our battle forever but her Teigu had made her just a bit stronger. Susanoo was dealing with Wave and the rest if them were fighting the puppet's she had summoned.

Kurome:"Can't wait to add you to my collection sis then we can be together again."

Akame:"The only way this end's is with one of us dying to save you're soul i have to-Wo-ahhhh!"


The danger beast we had been fighting on was destroyed suddenly then i saw that Bols had been throwen through it by Senpai.

Tatsumi's P.O.V

Tatsumi:"Die you bastard!"

As i was fighting more the less beating down on Bols i saw that Akame had been pinned on the ground and her sister was coming closer to her so i dashed at them slaming Kurome's face into the mountan knocking her out.

Tatsumi:"Now it's you're turn Bols!"

Bols:"Before i do this remember i'm sorry."

He lifted his weapon. I fliped the switch on the hilt of my blade and slashed into the flamethrower shuting it down.

Once i got him on the ground i raised up my blade.

Tatsumi:"Any last word's?"


Bols:"Louge stay back you'll get hurt."

Tatsumi:(A daughter?)

The i heard both the bad and the good side's of my soul.

Dark:"Kill him make him suffer for you're pain!"

Light:"No don't do it he has a family she doesn't deserve to lose her father no child should grow up without a father."

Dark:"Who care's?! This is revenge he killed everyone in our village he deserve's this!"

Light:"You have to think with love not hate. What would happen to his family if he died?"

Dark:"KILL HIM!"

Light:"SPARE HIM!"

Tatsumi:"No this isn't what i want!"

I stoped myself from killing Bols.

Bols:"Why did you spare me?"

Tatsumi:"Simple you're not the author of my pain you're just a tool of the artist. She is the cause of my pain for that she must die for her crime's. Raise you're daughter well she deserve's a father in her life."

I walked away with the rest if night raid being as none of the yeager's had been killed but Kurome had been pretty banged up in the battle.

Bols' P.O.V

I hadn't expected to be spared. I embraced my daughter and asked my self in silence "Why did he spare me?".

I didn't ask myself any further as i limped back to the castle.

[Hope everyone enjoyed i'll see y'all later bye]

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