Chapter 15 (Kill the General)

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\Art is not mine/

Tatsumi had went to the capital late in the evening looking for general Budo so he could kill him for running his mother out of the empire before she died even though she had him before her death he still wanted to kill him for what he did.

Tatsumi:(Where is this asshole i swear to god when i get my hand's on him i'm gonna skin him alive and wear his flesh as a new jacket.)

He had been searching since nine that night and it was hitting eleven at in the evening he was starting to get angry. He planned to kill Budo with his mother's dagger he had found in the box.

Tatsumi:(God damnit where is this fucker i swear to god he'll never show him self and i'm getting pissed.)

?????:"I told you sir she ran off before we could prepare her for the wedding."

????:"I don't want excuses i want answer's where is Mizuki!"

?????:"We don't know sir we told you a million time's we don't know!"

????:"Then find her you're head is on the line."

?????:"Yes boss."

Tatsumi:(So this is Budo and my mom's name was Mizuki kinda matches her look.)

Tatsumi approached Budo while he was in disguise.

Tatsumi:"Oh my goddness you're grand general Budo it's such an honor to meet you my name is Dante!"

Tatsumi:"Oh my goddness you're grand general Budo it's such an honor to meet you my name is Dante!"

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Budo:"Hm so you're a fan?"

Tatsumi:"Yeah ever since i was a child i've wanted to join the army like my brother and father."

Budo:"Heh well i can't say i've meet anyone more optimistic about joining the army."

Tatsumi:"I've made it my life goal to become one of the strongest in the empire."

Budo:"Just remember it won't be easy you have to fight you're way to the top show no mercy and most important treat each fight as if it's you're last."

Tatsumi:"Yes sir."

Budo:"Alright i'n headed back to the castle see ya in the army kid."

Budo started walking away just the Tatsumi threw off his disguise and pounced on Budo holding his mother's dagger to his throat.

Tatsumi:"Remember me punk?"

Budo looked behind him and saw those farmiliar emerald green eye's.


Tatsumi:"So close i'm her son and i'm here to kill you and complete her mission for her since her heart defect caught up to her."

Budo:"That whore."

Tatsumi:"What's wrong Budo upset you can't have my mother? To bad you'll be headed to hell in a moment."

Tatsumi slashed Budo's throat wide open letting him bleed out as he looked him in the eye's as he died until he heard a very familiar voice.

Lubbock:"Tatsumi are you nu-Well i see you held you're own just fine."

Tatsumi:"How can you be so sure?"

Lubbock pointed at the now dead Budo and the pointed at Tatsumi.

Lubbock:"I think the blood stained dagger say's enough about that."

Tatsumi:"Good point anyway let's get his Teigu and G.T.F.O dude."

Lubbock:"I couldn't agree more."

The two friend's grabed the gauntlet's from Budo's corpse and went back to base.

Najenda:"Tatsumi are you insane!?"

Tatsumi:"Maybe i am maybe i'm not."

Lubbock started laughing at his comment.

Najenda:"He could have killed you way to easlly."

Lubbock:"He held his own just fine he slashed Budo's throat open and bleed him dry."

Tatsumi:"That i did."

Akame had walked in the room and had seen Tatsumi holding Budo's Teigu in his hand's.

Akame:(Senpai killed Budo he's so strong i must have him and his babbies.)

Tatsumi had went to his room after putting up Budo's Teigu and grabed his mother's picture.

Tatsumi:"Hey mom i killed him Budo's dead i made sure of it i just hope that complete's you're mission so you can move on. And you've got a nice name Mizuki it suit's you and you're diva look Heh well i just hope him being gone you're at peace okay i'll see you in the morning."

Tatsumi put the picture back and went to bed until he felt that familiar hand tugging on his sleeve.

Akame:"Tatsumi i can't sleep could i sleep in here tonight?"

Tatsumi:"Sure we've done this before it's nothing romantic."

Akame crawled into bed and nuzzled closlly Tatsumi just thought that she had nightmare's easlly so he didn't question it.

Akame:(Hah back in senpai's arm's so warm.)

[Hope everyone enjoyed i'll see y'all later bye.]

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