Chapter 8 (New story)

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\Art is not mine/

The morning after Leone warned Mine about Akame going crazy some of night raid had seen that it looked like Tatsumi had something he needed to get off his chest but he refused to speak to anyone.

Akame knew that if he was going to be happy he needed to get this off his chest so she brought him to the beach just the two of them.

Akame:"Tatsumi wanna go to the beach with me?"


The two made there way to the beach when they got to the beach Akame striped herself down to her bikini.

The two made there way to the beach when they got to the beach Akame striped herself down to her bikini

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Tatsumi:(Why is it so tough to look at her in a bikini? She's so hot!)

The two had started swimming around and just having fun Akame saw that he seemed to be feeling better than that morning.

Once the two came up to land for a break Tatsumi finally opened up to Akame about what was on his mind that morning.

Tatsumi:"Akame we might not have known eachother very long but i think i can trust you with what i had on my head this morning."

Akame:"You can tell me i promess i won't tell anyone if that's what you want."

Tatsumi:"Well remember when i told you about my story?"

Akame:"Yeah the only thing i don't think i heard was something about you're mother."

Tatsumi:"Well she didn't die in that fire she died when i was three so my father was the one to raise me on his own."

Akame:"I'm so sorry."

Tatsumi:"There's nothing for you to say sorry about it wasn't you're fault there's nothing you could have done."

They had spent hour's talking about Tatsumi's past he had a brother that left the village a year before it burnt down his father was the first holder of the totem that Tatsumi held now.

Tatsumi was still unsure about the whereabouts of his brother but he was hoping he was still alive.

Akame:"So you're brother must have meant a lot to you."

Tatsumi:"Yeah but i can't let myself get wraped up in my past if i'm gonna move forward i have to do something to change my future not try and change the past."

Akame:"To be honest you're the most intresting person i've ever meet you have a strong since of justice you're willing to lay you're life down for anyone and you've been an assassin since you were young. Not to mention that you keep you're past secret you're such a mystery that's why i'm so intreuged about you not one thing about you is known to everyone."

Tatsumi:"Heh i guess that's what make's me such a secret i enjoy people trying to discover my past it's quite enjoyable cause noone has ever discovered it."

Akame:"It is always fun to watch someone try to find out stuff about you and not find it."

The two continued there conversation until late in the evening so they started to the base and got ready for bed.

Tatsumi had slept for about an hour before he felt a hand tug on his sleeve it was Akame.

Akame:"Tatsumi i can't sleep. Can i sleep in here?"

Tatsumi:"Sure i don't really see anything wrong with it."

Akame cuddled up in bed with him and nuzzled up closely to him as he wraped his arm's around her.

Akame:(When i'm in senpai's arm's i feel safe and happy this just mean's i'm one step closer to claiming my senpai as my own.)

The two fell asleep after a couple minute's and held eachother the entire night.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter i'll see y'all later bye]

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