Chapter 5 (Obsession)

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\Art is not mine/

The morning after Akame had murdered Seryu for flirting with her senpai she had gotten up late due to how late she had been up the night before and that had confused the boss why was she sleeping in today.

At around eight thirty is when she woke up and was greeted by her senpai who was getting breakfast finished for everyone.

Akame:"Good morning."

Najenda:"You're up late."

Tatsumi:"Well noone else is up so who really care's we don't have anything to do today so it really doesn't matter that she slept in."

Najenda:"I'm just saying."

Akame:"i simplly had trouble falling asleep last night it's nothing to be worried about."

Najenda:"Okay as long as you say so."

Tatsumi:"Anyway breakfast is ready dig in before it get's cold."

Akame:"Thank you."

Akame Najenda and Tatsumi started eating there breakfast after they finished Tatsumi went to the training yard to practice his swordsmanship.

Akame had been watching the whole time but he didn't see it as odd since she did that normally but to Najenda and the rest this wasn't like her especally when Leone caught her drooling over him.

Leone:(Okay there is something up most definitely i have never in the entire time i've known her has she ever drooled over a boy there is something off way off i need to figure this out.)

Leone snuck her way up to Akame's room and started snooping around the first thing she saw when she entered the room is Akame had made a plushy of Tatsumi and that was creepy to her.

She looked through her stuff and had found a bloody cleaver and it was clear that it had just been used less that a day ago. Leone had spotted Akame's diary so she desided to read it she had found nothing to out of the ordinary for the most part at least up until the half way point of the diary it became nothing but Tatsumi this and Senpai that.

What was going on with Akame the newest entre said something about a failed hit but she killed the "Hitwoman" for flirting with her senpai it was obvious that this was much more than just a little crush this was an obsession Akame was getting territorial over Tatsumi it was getting to a point where it said if Mine tried to take Tatsumi she'd get her throat slit.

Leone heard footstep's getting closer so she had put the book in her scarf and jumped out through the window and made her way to her room where she continued to read Akame's diary and found more secret's about her that freaked her out.

Entery number 416

"Mine is nothing but a cheap little whore she's taken more people from me than Kurome did she has to die sooner or later"

Entery number 417

"Senpai said that i was beautiful in my bikini today that made me happer than i've ever been"

Entery number 418

"Today i killed the hitwoman i hired to kill Mine she was flirting with my senpai that bitch had what was coming to her"

Page after page Leone was questioning if Akame had gone insane but that was cut short when Akame started knocking on her door so she hid the book and opened the door.

Akame:"Hey do you know where my diary is i can't find it."

Leone:"You have a diary?"

Akame:"Don't most teenage girl's have one?"

Leone:"Good point but no i don't know maybe boss know's."

Akame:"I'll go ask her."

Leone:"Okay see ya later girl."


After she had left Leone continued to investigate and made more and more shocking discoveries for the whole damn night.

[Hope everyone enjoyed i'll see y'all later bye]

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