Chapter 7 (Warning)

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\Art is not mine/

Leone had woken up early that morning and looked for Mine.

Leone:"Where is that bitch?"

After a moment she did find her and gave her the warning.

Leone:"Mine we have to talk."

Mine:"What do you need?"

Leone:"Stay away from Tatsumi."

Mine:"Why? Are you after him cause if so it's gonna be a fight."

Leone:"No it's Akame that's after him you need to stay away from him."

Mine:"Why should i be scared of her i've stolen several boyfriend's from her before the first kiss."

Leone:"She's gone full psycho she had a hit put out on you but she killed the hitwoman because she was flirting with Tatsumi."


Mine was completely shocked that her teammate would willingly have a hit put out on her over a boy this was horriffing to her knowing that if she kept persuing Tatsumi she could be killed.

Mine:"Okay i think i'll leave him alone from now on."

Leone:"Thank god just stay away from him for now at least until either Akame get's killed Tatsumi get's killed or they get together."

Mine:"I'll be a little more careful for now."

Leone:"Just don't flirt with him don't be romantic and don't dress sexy around him to seduce him."

Mine:"I already don't dress sexy since the only sexy outfit's aren't in my size."

Leone:"Okay thank you for listining to me for once."

Mine:"Well my life is on the line i'm gonna be listining."

After the morning passed by they saw that Akame was watching Tatsumi practice his swordsmanship and once again Akame was drooling.

Mine:"Christ she's so out of character around him how does noone notice this."

Leone:"Agreed i can only hope that this doesn't end badly if they do get together she's probably gonna teach her daughter how to get away with murder."

Mine:"Aren't people like her called a 'Yandere'? i don't know."

Leone:"Yeah i guess she's learned from those manga's she's read i'm guessing she's had this in her the whole time."

Mine:"I guess but she's still pretty scary."

Leone:"Wait i have an idea to stear her of our track's. Hey girl!"

Akame:"Hello Leone."

Leone:"Found you're diary."

Akame:"Thank you Leone."

Akame grabed her diary from Leone and placed it in her shirt pocket.

Tatsumi:(She seem's pretty shy i know it's tough to get close with anyone when there has been so many that have died but if she want's to be close i wouldn't object to it.)

Akame:(Senpai's so handsome i want him to belong to me. I wonder why is Mine suddenly getting so distant from him i won't complan though she's out of my way.)

Mine:(Hopefully she stay's away from me now i'm avoiding Tatsumi from now on i'll still be his friend but i'm not gonna be his lover for now.)

Leone could only hope that Mine wouldn't do anything stupid she knew that if Mine did anything like that Akame wouldn't hesitate to kill her.

Leone:(Please Mine don't do something dumb i don't want you to get killed Akame is a psycho and we can't risk her killing our people.)

Akame had went to her room grabed her Tatsumi plushy and went to sleep."

Akame:(Senpai i want to hold the real you when i sleep but it will be soon enough that i have you.)

[Hope everyone enjoyed see y'all next chapter bye]

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