Chapter 3 (His story)

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\Art is not mine/

Tatsumi:"Well i'll tell you what i can remember."

Past Tatsumi:"I'll be back in a couple hour's."

Tatsumi's father:"Be carful out there."

Past Tatsumi:"I will."

Tatsumi had gone hunting and found a nicely sized Danger beast to kill for meat so he engaged in the fight and killed it.

Past Tatsumi:"Just gotta skin it now and then i can head home once i get home i can help my parent's cook dinner."

Chop after chop he slowly skined the beast and packed the remaining meat into a package and started home.

Past Tatsumi:"Man that was a pain but it's all worth it this is gonna be soo good when it's-"

Tatsumi looked up and saw his worst nightmare in action his village was in flame's there were huge ice spike's sticking from the ground all Tatsumi could hear at that moment was the scream's of his friend's and family burning alive.

Past Tatsumi:"N-no this can't be happening!"

Tatsumi hid behind the burnt remain's of a house when he saw a man in a white mask and a blue haired woman leaving the village.

Blue haired woman:"That's all let's take our leave there's nothing left to destroy."

Masked man:"Yes commander."

Once they left Tatsumi ran to his house and saw his father was impailed through the chest.

Past Tatsumi:"Dad!"

Tatsumi's Father:"It's to late for me son t-take this and find the ch-est it hold's a weapon that will help you on you're quest."

Tatsumi's father handed him a key to the box in the basement so he headed down to it luckly the empire's people didn't find it he opened the box and saw what was inside the box.

High frequentcy blade Murasama.
Originally the sword that belonged to the infamous Empirian soldier "Jack the ripper" uses high frequentcy to disable Teigu's leaving there user's open to attack's.

Past Tatsumi:"I swear on you're grave father i will have my vengence."

Tatsumi:"That's my story."

Akame:(Senpai is sad i have to chear him up.)

Akame:"We'll help you get you're vengence once we track down those two we'll criple them and you get the kill."

Tatsumi:"That would be nice i'll take that offer."

Tatsumi slightly smiled.

Akame:(Senpai is smilling is he happy i can't let him be hurt if anyone tries to take you from me Tatsumi-Kun i'll kill them. But who is a rival Sheele isn't into boy's that's way to obvious to me at least i have no clue how noone else has caught on yet.)

Leone:"You okay Akame?"

Akame:"I'm fine but thank you for worrying Leone."

Lubbock:"You and i need to just have a guy's day just go out for a beer or two."

Tatsumi:"First off to young second both of you're parent's have the worst alcohal resistence."

Lubbock:"True but that won't stop me from trying!"

Akame:(Senpai will love me i'll make sure of it *Yandere Giggling*)

Leone seemed to be the only one to notice the creepy giggle Akame had she felt quite creeped out by that.

Najenda:"Anyway Akame show him around the base if you will."

Akame:"Understood boss."

Mine:(The nerve of this guy he slip's up once i'll kick his ass.)

Akame noticed the way Mine was looking at Tatsumi.

Akame:(Don't you dare think about hurting my senpai or else bitch.)

Akame:"If you will i'd like you to follow me so i may show you around."

Tatsumi:"Lead the way ma'am."

Akame:(I'll have you as my own soon enough senpai soon enough *Yandere giggle*)

Tatsumi:(She's quite cute when she smile's why was Leone looking at her like that before?)

Leone:(What the hell is wrong with her that giggle was creepy as hell is she okay?)

Leone went to sleep that night questioning was Akame alright?

[Hope everyone enjoyed i'll see y'all later bye]

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