Chapter 29 (Night raid vs The capital)

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\Art is not mine/

Tatsumi's P.O.V

:30 Minute's until the attack:

I'm worried as hell today is the final battle and i could easlly die but for my vengence and for Akame i will survive i won't lose.


Tatsumi:"Yeah sweetheart you okay?"

Akame:"Yeah i'm fine just a little anxious today could be the end of the war and we can relax and raise our future child. Well if we win that is."

Tatsumi:"We will win. The whole time boss has been gone i've been training to master Incursio with that and the Murasama the emperor won't know what hit 'em."

After reassuring Akame we got ready for the battle knowing this is the end of the war.

Najenda:"We have fought to long for this day many of us may not survive but we do this carrying the hope's and dream's of our fallen allie's on our shoulder's for them we will win this! On my mark. CHARGE!"

Narrator's P.O.V

Everyone ran at full speed ready to fight until there last breath they ripped through the empire's army on both side's people fell but noone went forgotten as they continued there battle.

Emperor:"I won't let this happen!"

Tatsumi:"That won't save you! This is for my family and my village you bastard!"

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Tatsumi:"That won't save you! This is for my family and my village you bastard!"

Tatsumi dashed into the air slashing the Murasama into it's crest while in the Incursio armor but nothing happened.

Tatsumi:"What the hell!?"

Tatsumi was throwen across what was left of the castle ground but an unexpected but welcome surprise saved him.


Wave:"That's right dude you really thought i was gonna let you hog the spotlight?"

He said with a chuckle.

Wave:"So you wanna take out that giant Teigu? Let's do it!"

The newfound allie's attacked the emperor's armor the Murasama did nothing to the suit with shocked even Tatsumi himself. They made there best effort but nothing was working. If the Murasama wasn't gonna damage it what would?

Tatsumi and Wave were throwen out of the air as they both lay almost defeated Tatsumi heared four familiar voice's.

Tatsumi's P.O.V

Tatsumi:"Bro. Lubba. Mother. Father."

Bulat:"During you're time as an assassin you will deal with many failure's infact most of them tragic."

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