Chapter 25 (New Dawn)

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\Art is not mine/

Akame's P.O.V

I woke up the morning after i made sweet love with Tatsumi-Kun he had his face nuzzled in my breast i thought he was rather cute i waited for him to wake up before i did anything.

After a minute or two he woke up and we shared a quick kiss before he slid down and put his head on my stomach.

Tatsumi:"Hopefully in nine month's well have our baby."

Hearing how happy he was made my smile at least until we heard the door open.

Leone:"Ohhhh i had a feeling."

Tatsumi:"Uhh sis uhhh this isn't what it look's like?"

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Tatsumi:"Uhh sis uhhh this isn't what it look's like?"

Akame:"This is exactly what it look's like."

After i said that be burried his face into the sheet's to hide his blush it's just so cute.

Leone:"Oh this is so cute i'm gonna be an auntie if it's a girl i wanna name it if it's a boy i think Boss should name it this is so adorable i mean i had a feeling that you two liked eachother but i didn't think it would be this soon and-"

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Leone:"Oh this is so cute i'm gonna be an auntie if it's a girl i wanna name it if it's a boy i think Boss should name it this is so adorable i mean i had a feeling that you two liked eachother but i didn't think it would be this soon and-"

Tatsumi:"*Muffled screaming*!"

Mine:"What's all the yapping about-Oh umm i'm not sure how to feel about that if it's hot seeing you two in bed or if i should act shocked."

Akame:"Probably a little bit of both."

Mine:"I'm thinking it's more on the hot side than anything."

Leone:"Next there gonna have a baby i wonder who they'll look like probably more like the father it's so exciting."

Tatsumi:"First i look more like my mother so Akame-Chan likly has the dominante gene's and second we don't even know if she's pregnant yet!"

Mine:"Well if you ca-EEP!"

That moment since i'm guessing they wouldn't stop Tatsumi-Kun threw his mother's dagger almost hitting Mine.

Tatsumi:"If you ever tell boss i'll shove my Murasama down you're throat and make you into my new scabbard."

Leone:"I think sooner or later boss will find out especally when she get's a baby bump that will make it obvious what happened."

Akame:"That is true."

Tatsumi:"Oh my fucking god boss is gonna kill me."

Mine:"Well that and likely her boob's will get bigger for her breast milk."

Tatsumi:"Please shut up."

Leone:"Well were just telling you what could happen since she's likely pregnant i mean if you gonna go at it why would you pull out?"

Tatsumi:"To be responcible which i clearly was not!"

Akame:"Well i told him get me pregnant so he does listin."

Just then senpai covered his face again.

Tatsumi:"Fuck my life. I would jump out that window but i don't have any clothes on and i don't want someone to see me like that."

Leone:"I think Akame would."

She said teasingly.

Tatsumi:"Fuck you Leone just fuck you."

Leone:"I mean i'm free tomorrow night."

Tatsumi:"Not like that!"

I had a feeling that Leone's teasing would make senpai angry but right now it look's like he's gonna kill her i have to calm him down.

I grabbed his face and pulled him into my breast.

Akame:"Could you two please go before he end's up killing you two."

Mine:"See ya would most defenantly wanna be ya."

She said with a comical grin.

Leone:"Just don't fuck yourselves to dea-AHHH!"

Tatsumi-Kun threw another dagger at Leone this one cut off a strand of her hair.


Tatsumi:"Never fuck with a violent vigilante."

Akame:"Let's just sleep a little while longer 'kay?"

Tatsumi:"Yeah that sound's good."

We layed back down. I laid his head on my breast as a pillow and we slept for another hour before we finally got up for the day.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter i'll see y'all next chapter bye]

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