Chapter 10 (New victim)

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\Art is not mine/

Najenda had given Bulat and Tatsumi a new mission track down and kill the three beast but there not the main focus of this chapter this evening Akame had went into town and saw a wanted poster for Tatsumi calling him "The Hunter" she later heard foot step's coming toward's her so she hid.

??????:"Hm what a cutie i'll talk to Syura about keeping him alive so i can use him for my own need's."

Akame:(You pink haired whore i'll kill you.)

The pink haired woman turned around once she heard foot step's.

The pink haired woman turned around once she heard foot step's

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Cosmina:"What was that?"

Akame tackled he Cosmina into a dark alleyway and bound her she placed tape over her mouth to silence her scream's for help.

Cosmina:"*Muffled screaming*!"

Akame:"You thought you could take my Senpai you can't have him you bitch tonight you die."

Akame ripped Cosmina's clothing to shread's and began the torture she grabed two cork screw's and drove them into the center Cosmina's breast causing her to scream.

Cosmina:"*Muffled screaming*!"

Akame:"Does it hurt? I bet it hurt's."

Tear's were forming in Cosmina's eye's she was crying from the pain.

Akame:"How 'Bout this."

Akame grabed a pair of surgical scissor's and thrusted them into Cosmina's groin causing more screaming.

Cosmina:"*Muffled screaming*!"

Akame:"I can tell how badly you want this to end but you and i both know that the only way out of this is death cause if i remove the tool's you'll bleed out before you get help."

Akame removed the tape from Cosmina's mouth to hear her crying.

Cosmina:"P-p-Please stop i'm begging you please have mercy on me."

She said in a broken voice.

Akame:"You wanted to hurt my Senpai i can't let you do that now can i."

Cosmina:"Please spare me i'll leave the capital and never show my face around here again just spare me."

She continued to cry as her flesh was cut further.

Akame:"I don't believe you dirty slut you've harmed to many men and you think you're lie's will save you? You've harmed so many young boy's it's unbelieveable when they cried for them mother's did you show them mercy? Young teen boy's you made you're victim's just so you could satisfiy you're own lust you filthy bitch."

Cosmina:"I was just following order's given to me by Syura i don't have a choise."

Akame:"Don't give me that you had every chance to leave Wild Hunt and report what they were doing to the emperor but you never did you just wanted to make you're self feel good didn't you."

Cosmina:"Please stop i'm begging you i won't do it again i swear on it!"

Akame grabed the surgical scissor's that were burried in Cosmina's crotch and began twisting them around causing her to scream in agony.


Akame"*Yandere giggle* You're scream's bring me such joy."

Cosmina:"Please make it stop i can't keep going!"

Akame:"Don't think you'll get out of this alive bitch."

Cosmina:"Please kill me i can't keep going so please just kill me!"

Akame:"As you wish."

Akame put the Murasame to Cosmina's throat and swung killing her swiftly ending her pain

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Akame put the Murasame to Cosmina's throat and swung killing her swiftly ending her pain. Once she made it back to the base she took a shower washing off all the blood and she waited for her senpai to make it back home.

*Door creek*

Najenda:"How did the mission go?"

Tatsumi had a look of despair in his eye's everyone noticed he was holding Incursio's key.

Tatsumi:"He's gone."

Everyone had a look of shock at what Tatsumi said.

Lubbock:"What do you mean?"

Tatsumi:"I mean he's gone!"

Tear's started falling from his face.

Najenda:"Grr meaning this battle against the empire just got personal now we do this in memory of Bulat we will avenge him."

Akame:(Senpai is crying i have to chear him up some how.)

Akame went to her room to think of a way to chear her senpai up.

[Hope everyone enjoyed see y'all later bye]

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