Chapter 14 - Element(s?)

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I felt a vine catch me, and I looked up, glaring at him. I twirled my finger, and a long, non-thorny vine shot out of the wall and around Dimitri. He struggled to get out of his cocoon-like prison, but to no avail.

"Mister Russo Bianche," I sneered.

"Kacie," he murmured. I snapped my finger, and a vine crept it's way over his mouth, taking away his ability to talk.

"Shut up," I snarled. "You gave your word! You promised not to insult me, or my past!"

As I screamed at him, the thorny vines pulled back into the walls revealing the mass of moving, non-thorny vines. I guided them towards me, allowing them to form a comfortable looking chair. I sat down, my head in my hands.

"How could you do that to me?" I choked out, trying not to cry. "How could you?!"

I allowed the vine over his mouth to slip off, and retreat back into the wall. It was then that my control over the vines holding him slipped, and he managed to escape. He shuffled over to me, reaching out to touch my shoulder.

I flinched away from his touch, and a line of thorny vines (lol that rhymes) erupted out of the ground, shooting up and wrapping around his hand, slowly devouring his arm, stabbing him with their thorns. He flinched, but did not struggle.

"I don't know how to control it," I murmured. "Actually, I don't know what the hell it is."

"It's your power, your instincts took over," he commented softly. "Remember the super powers?"

I nodded.

"You're one of the lucky ones," he said. "Control over the elements is very rare."

"Elements?" I asked. "You mean element, non plural, right? I mean, that was just earth, right?"

"No," he smiled. "With one comes all, in due time."

"Yay," I murmured half-heartedly. My eyes were drooping, pulse slowing. "This doesn't mean that I'm not mad at you, asshole."

I tapped the vines around his wrist, and they released him, creeping back into the ground.

I slumped back into my chair, exhausted. With the last bit of energy I had, I directed the vines to form a sling, almost a hammock, and follow Dimitri back to my room. They slowly twisted around each other loosely, forming a hammock-like structure.

"Start walking towards my room," I said. "We- I mean, uh, I will follow you."

He gave me a strange look, and I waved it off.

"Go," I said. He started walking slowly, and the vines moved my drowsy body after him. The vines could only reach so far, and so at times I felt them pull out of the formation, only to be replaced by another, closer vine.

He opened the door to my room, and the vines shifted, pushing my limp body into the somehow waiting arms of Dimitri. He placed me on my bed, and pulled the unmade covers over my body.

"Goodnight, Kacie," he murmured. "I'm very sorry for what I said."

I grumbled and shooed him out of my room. He chuckled.

"Can you call your vines off? They're all over the place," he asked, looking around.

"In the morning," I said. "Too tired right now."

"Fine," he said, grumbling. "Goodnight."

"Night," I mumbled. "Do I still have to meet the royals tomorrow?"

"We'll talk about it tomorrow," he answered. "Get some rest."

In the morning...

My eyes flickered open, and I sleepily rubbed the sleep out of them. Yawning, I stretched my body, my arm hitting something hard, but slimy-feeling. I yanked it towards my body, I was instantly wide awake, ready to kill anything in my room.

A vine? What's a vine doing in- Oh. That's what it's doing here.

"Almost forgot," I mumbled. I stretched out my hand, poking the vine, trying to find the power that allowed me to control them yesterday.

"Strange, aren't they?" I jumped at the sound of Dimitri's voice. The vine I poked shot out, wrapping around his ankle and launching him to the ceiling. "Seriously?"

"You fucking scared me," I said. "I think the only way I can get the vines to do anything is if I'm feeling a strong emotion."

"You need to train with someone who has a similar ability," he said, still stuck to the ceiling. I gazed up at the vine, squinting.

Come on, drop him. Drop him! Right on his head!

Hope you enjoyed it, this one's dedicated to maloma25 because she's fab and asked me to update.


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